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Chargeback Reason

Either of the following:

  • The Cardmember received Goods or Services that are different than the written description provided by the merchant at the time of the purchase, or
  • The Cardmember received damaged Merchandise or defective Merchandise or Services.


The Issuer may charge back a Transaction using this ISO Code when the Cardmember attempted to return Goods or cancel Services and one (1) of the following:

  1. The Goods or Services received by the Cardmember are different than the written description provided by the merchant at the time of purchase, including a dispute related to the quality of Goods or Services received by the Cardmember.
  2. The Goods or Services purchased by the Cardmember were received in a damaged or defective state.


The Issuer must meet all the following conditions:

  • May be used even if the Transaction was Authorized.
  • Amount to be charged back is the full Transaction amount.
  • Before filing this Chargeback, the Issuer must manually enter the fraud Transaction into the WFIS or electronically transmit it into the GNS Fraud Repository.
  • For Final Chargeback - This Chargeback is only applicable if the First Chargeback was either a fraud type or one of the following:
    • 4512 - Multiple Processing
    • 4516 - Request for Support Not Fulfilled
    • 4517 - Request for Support Illegible/Incomplete
    • 4754 - Local Regulations/Legal Dispute



  1. The Cardmember has failed in a good faith attempt with the merchant to return Goods or cancel Services.
  2. The Chargeback amount is limited to the disputed amount of the Transaction.
  3. For Damaged or Defective chargebacks, the Cardmember must comply with the merchant's return policy when attempting to return the Goods or cancel the Services.


If applicable, before initiating a Dispute, an Issuer must wait 15 calendar days from either:

  • The date the Cardmember returned/attempted to return the merchandise.

A Dispute must be processed no later than either:

  • 120 days from the date of receipt of Goods or Services
  • 120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment


  • Cardmember attempted to resolve with merchant


ValidationValueLogicAssociated Rule(s)


  • Program Indicator in 892-893 of First Pres 1240 msg = 08


Card present, position 6 = X


  • Card present, position 6 = X
  • Card Acceptor High Risk Indicator = F


High Risk S/Es listed under the following categories are not eligible for Excluded Transactions under this ISO code:

a. Risk indicators of “I”, “S”, “X”

b. Gambling MCCs 7801, 7802, 7995


  • Card Acceptor High Risk Indicator = I, S or X or
  • MCC = 7801, 7802, 7995


Related Questionnaires


Within association window for submitting the chargebackTrue


  • Card Acceptor High Risk Indicator = S, I, F, T or X


Card Data Input Mode, position 7 = 9


See timeframesHasChargebackWindowExpired

Is Eligible for 4553 Not as Described or Defective Merchandise

  • Is Not as Described or Defective Merchandise Claim Reason
  • Is a POS transaction
  • Transaction Amount > $25
  • Claim Reason = MerchantDamagedDefective, MerchantQuality, MerchantNotAsDescribed AND
  • IsPOSTransaction_A = true AND
  • Transaction Amount > $25
A transactions to fund a Stored Value Digital Facility (SVDF).False

MCC = 6540
