Sent when an Account Takeover (ATO) claim is submitted with no disputed transactions. Provides the claimant with a summary of the case, what they can expect, and what actions they need to take, if any. | Applies To | Account Takeover |
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This correspondence is to confirm that we received notification from you on 06/15/2023 relating to possible identify theft.
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This correspondence is to confirm that we received notification from you on 06/15/2023 relating to possible identify theft.
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What Happens Next
- To prevent any future activity, your account has been closed and we have opened a new account with a different account number. Your new card(s) should arrive in 7-10 days. Your authorized account activity will be automatically transferred to your new account. Please be sure to update your account number with any merchants that charge your card regularly to ensure that they have the updated account number.
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