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Summary Screen

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The Summary Screen summarizes the case by laying out the claim amount, disputed activity, and the account holder's contact channel and address. This is our last opportunity to use the Back button to update the case. Once we click the Submit button, the claim will be finalized.


Review the disputed activity

Users should read the following to the account holder, "You are disputing <number of disputes> transaction(s) for a total of $<claim amount> <currency>." then list the disputed charges and their amounts. 

Note that the temporary authorizations will be separated from the posted transactions if disputed. This is because pending charges can post for a different amount. For example, if you go to a restaurant and pay $50 for the meal and leave a $15 tip, the authorization may come through as $50 but will later post as $65. 

Users should read the following to the account holder, "You are disputing the following pending transaction(s)" then list the disputed authorizations and their amounts. 

Review the account holder's contact method and address

Users should read the following to the account holder, "If we need to contact you, it will be at this address: <address>..."

QFD will pull in the account holder's email address or physical address, depending on your firm's configuration. 

Users can update the contact channel and address using the Other Actions button in the account holder's details section.

Any changes made here will remain local to just this claim, so if the account holder's profile needs to be updated in the CRM, that will need to be completed separately. 

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