The Actions drop-down empowers users to interact with the case, offering a range of options that differ based on the configuration and the current stage of the claim in its lifecycle. Use an open example claim to review the choices in the Actions drop-down.
Add Transactions
Users can add disputed transactions to the claim if enabled. This feature is saves the user time and effort because they will not need to create a new claim. Review internal guidelines to let the users know when a transaction should be added versus when a new claim needs to be created.
Transactions cannot be added when:
- This configuration is not enabled
- The case has been resolved
- The disputed transaction being added has a different regulatory deadline
- The disputed transaction being added is a different product
- Recovery has been pursued
Review this page to walk through the Add Transactions workflow. Use an open case that has not been recovered on to demo this process. See the fraud example below.
Contact Date Override
Users can change the contact date if enabled. Adjusting this date will impact the regulatory deadlines so it's imperative to discuss when to use this function with learners. This function is optional, so review your configuration to know whether this is relevant to your portal.
Review this page to walk through the Contact Date Override workflow. Use an open case that has not been recovered on to demo this process. See the non-fraud example below.
Process Duplicate Credit
Users can apply a merchant refund to a paid claim which prompts QFD to debit the accountholder and send the Duplicate Credit letter.
This function is not available on denied or open claims. In order to demo this process, you'll need to use a paid case.
Review this page to walk through the Process Duplicate Credit workflow.
Reclassify Case
Users can reclassify a case based on their review of the case. Review internal guidelines regarding when to reclassify with your learners.
Important information:
- When reclassifying from Non-fraud to Fraud, the card will not be closed in QFD
- Users will need to close the card using an external system
- Users will need to reach out to account holder to notify them of the card closure and ask about reissuance.
- Reclassifying the case requires the new claim reason's questionnaire to be completed
- This may necessitate reaching out to the account holder to ask the questionnaire questions
- The case cannot be reclassified if recovery has been pursued
Review this page to walk through the Reclassify Case workflow. Use an open claim that has not yet been recovered on. See the non-fraud example below.
Reopen Case
Users can reopen the case on denied claims. Discuss with the learner group when to reopen the case versus creating a new case.
Review this page to walk through the Reopen Case workflow. Use a denied claim example to demo this process.
Withdraw Paid Dispute
Users can deny a paid dispute using the Withdraw Paid Dispute option which prompts QFD to debit the accountholder and send the Withdrawn Letter. The function is only available when there is a paid dispute on the claim.
Users should use this function when the account holder requests to withdraw a dispute or claim that has been paid.
Review this page to walk through the Withdraw Paid Dispute workflow. Use a paid claim example to demo this process.
Write Off