What is the Alkami Widget?
Alkami is a platform that provides online banking services to many of our credit union members. Alkami provides a SDK that can be used to develop widget that run on the Alkami platform to extend functionality. Quavo has developed a widget using this SDK so that our create case and status widgets are available to end users within the Alkami online banking system.
Widget Installation
The FI will need to open a Jira ticket with Alkami https://jira.alkami.com and request the latest version of our widget to be installed. The official name of our widget is Quavo.Client.Widget.Disputes and as of 1/27/23 the latest version is 1.1.8. Once installed the FI will need to configure widget settings, generic proxy provider and site text.
The FI will need to whitelist the qfd urls (only the subdomain.domain.com part) used by the widget. For example, xxx-app-stg.quantumdisputes.com. If needed multiple URLs can be whitelisted by separating each URL with a ;
IP Whitelisting
Quavo strongly encourages our clients to whitelist Quavo's production IP address with Alkami so that Quavo can assist with testing and troubleshooting the widget while it is running in the client's Alkami lower environments.
Widget Skin
We built the UI controls within the widget to use the classes used by Alkami's Iris Design system. What this means is once the widget is installed all buttons should appear with the proper color and shape according to how the FI has configured the Iris Design system stylesheets. If issues arise, this will need to be resolved with Alkami.
Widget Usage
As previously mentioned the widget can be used to access the create case and case status QFD widgets. Alkami end users can access our widget via multiple channels desktop, mobile, tablet etc. Our widget can be launched from the navigation menu. Once launched the user will be presented with 2 buttons. One button will launch the new case flow and the other button will launch the case status flow.
Here is a walkthrough on how to create claims via the Alkami Widget: https://quavosolutions-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/andy_weedman_quavo_com/EShX2ELc3LhHn4Wr5CqcLNAB3ywAWWvVfFf5e46LdBWswg?e=FFMkM0