Life of a Card dispute
Card disputes have the most variability in their recovery path assignments. We'll explain the general life of a card dispute below. You can review specific assignments when prompted in their respective node's parent page in the left sidebar.
- Authorization
Note: Disputing pending charges is optional. Refer to your firm's configuration to know if analysts will see this assignment.
The Authorization Review assignment generates when a pending charge was disputed and QFD finds a posted transaction that potentially matches the authorization. In this assignment, analysts will match the disputed authorization to its matching posted charge.
Authorization Review - Enrichment
Note: There are several Enrichment assignments. The Select Transaction assignment is the most common, however, it will not generate if the charge was placed on an alternate network.
The Select Transactions assignment generates when QFD finds a potential matching transaction from the Association to the disputed charge. The purpose of this assignment is to bring rich transactional data (such as POS entry mode, authorization code, security codes, etc.) to the disputed transaction. Analysts will match the Association's transaction with the disputed charge.
Select Transaction - Collaboration
Note: The dispute will move to the Collaboration node several times throughout the claim resolution process.
The Check for Merchant Credit assignment generates when QFD identifies a potential refund from the merchant in the Ethoca or Verifi flow or by reviewing the recent account activity.
Check for Merchant Credit - Provisional Credit
In the Provisional Credit Review assignment, analysts will determine how to handle the dispute: grant provisional credit when recovery is to be pursued, grant final credit to pay the claim, deny the dispute, or pend the dispute for a variety of reasons. For more information on pending the claim, click here.
Provisional Credit Review - Disposition (Disposition Case)
Note: The disposition node houses many assignments that involve the chargeback. The Disposition Case assignment is the most common because its purpose is to submit the chargeback.
In the Disposition Case assignment, analysts will determine if recovery should be pursued. They can pursue recovery by completing the form, selecting Do Not Pursue Recovery to move the dispute to the Process Liability assignment or make a liability decision immediately, or selecting the Pend option from the Other Actions menu to pend the dispute for a variety of reasons. For more information on pending the claim, click here.
Disposition Case - Disposition (Review Chargeback)
Note: The Review Chargeback assignment generates when the chargeback form has an issue that needs to be resolved prior to submitting the chargeback.
In the Review Chargeback assignment, analysts will correct the chargeback form.
Review Chargeback - Recovery (Execute Chargeback)
Note: The Execute Chargeback assignment generates when the automated chargeback process fails.
In the Execute Chargeback assignment, analysts will identify the reason for the chargeback failure and manually submit the chargeback in their firm's Association system of choice.
Execute Chargeback - Recovery (Process Chargeback)
Note: The Process Chargeback assignment generates when the disputed charge was placed on an alternate network.
In the Process Chargeback assignment, analysts will manually submit the chargeback in their firm's Association system of choice.
Process Chargeback - Disposition (Review Dispute Response)
In the Review Dispute Response assignment, analysts will review the merchant's response and determine the next action.
Review Dispute Response - Disposition (Process Liability)
Note: This assignment will present to analysts when recovery cannot be pursued due to an expired regulation resolution date or otherwise does not have chargeback rights.
In the Process Liability assignment, analysts will determine if the claim should be paid or denied.
Process Liability
Ancillary Assignments
Documentation: When there is a documentation requirement on the claim, the claim will pend for 10 calendar days after enrichment, waiting on the document to be received. If the required document is not received within 10 calendar days, this node will resolve and the Review Documents assignment will not generate. The dispute will move on to the next stage in its lifecycle. In this assignment, analysts will review the document to ensure it meets the documentation requirement.
Execute Accounting: In the Execute Accounting assignment, analysts will use their firm's accounting system of choice to complete the accounting action.
Responses: This node houses several assignments that all function similarly to one another. In these assignments, analysts will review the message and take the appropriate action.
Fee Maintenance: In the Refund Fee assignment, analysts will match the account fee to the associated disputed transaction.
Fees: In the Review Fee assignment, analysts will match the account fee to the associated disputed transaction.
Note: This assignment can be turned off. Refer to your firm's configurations to know if analysts will see this assignment.
Service Block Reissue Card: Analysts will be presented with the Block Card/Block and Reissue Card assignment when there was a failure to do so through automated processes. Analysts will complete the required action in their firm's system of choice.
Fraud Reporting: Analysts will be presented with an assignment involving fraud reporting when there was a failure to execute fraud reporting or in cases where fraud reporting could not be completed by QFD.
Interest: Analysts will use the calculator tool to calculate the amount of the interest fee that should be refunded should the claim be paid. This assignment will only present on interest-bearing accounts.