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Card Not Present (4540)

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Chargeback Reason

The Cardmember denies participation in a Mail/Telephone/Internet Transaction, which may or may not have been Authorized by the Issuer.


A mail order, telephone order, or Internet type Transaction, was processed by an merchant without the permission of the Cardmember whose Account number was used.


The following conditions exist for Chargebacks processed under this ISO Code:

  1. Before filing this Chargeback, the Issuer must manually enter the fraud Transaction into the WFIS or electronically transmit it into the GNS Fraud Repository. 
    Note: Issuers may not raise this Chargeback on Transactions originating from merchants in the United States or Canada solely for the S/E’s failure to obtain a signature from the Cardmember as Proof of Delivery.
  2. For Final Chargeback - This Chargeback is only applicable if the First Chargeback was either a fraud type or one of the following:
    1. 4512 - Multiple Processing
    2. 4516 - Request for Support Not Fulfilled
    3. 4517 - Request for Support Illegible/Incomplete
    4. 4754 - Local Regulations/Legal Dispute


  • 120 days from the Network Processing Date of the Presentment.


  • Before filing this Chargeback, the Issuer must manually enter the fraud Transaction into the WFIS or electronically transmit it into the GNS Fraud Repository.


ValidationValueLogicAssociated Rule(s)
Within association window for submitting the chargebackTrue120 days from the Network Processing Date of the PresentmentHasChargebackWindowExpired

Is Eligible for 4540 Card Not Present

  • Is a POS transaction
  • Transaction Amount > $25
  • A mail order, telephone order, or Internet type Transaction 
  • IsPOSTransaction_A = true AND
  • IsMOTO_A = true AND
  • Transaction Amount > 25
A Card Present TransactionFalseCard present = 1


Printed Card Security Code (PCSC) was provided in the Auth message (1100) and Issuer failed to provide a PCSC validation response of “Y” or “N” in the POS Authorization Response (1110) message.FalsePCSC Validation Code = U


Cardmember address information was provided to the Issuer in the POS Auth Request (1100) message and either:

  • The Issuer is located in the United States or Canada and does not participate in the AAV program
  • The merchant shipped physical Goods to a address verified through the AAV program, where the Issuer response:
    • A street address match
    • A street address and postal code match 
FalseAAV response code= U OR
AVV Response code = Y or A


A SafeKey TransactionFalse

Program Indicator Code = 04

Is a Digital Wallet Contactless-initiated Transactions, Digital Wallet MST Transactions, or Expresspay Mobile.False

IsDigitalWalletTransaction_A = true OR

IsExpressPayTransaction_A = true OR

Service Code = 141


Is a Consumer-Presented Quick Response (CPQR) Transactions.False
  • CardPresent = 1 AND
  • Card Data Input Mode = 3


A Merchant-Presented Quick Response (MPQR) Transactions.False

Card present = 8 AND

Card Capture Capability Code = 7


Related Questionnaires

Fraud Questionnaire

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