Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Description | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | TenantId | VARCHAR(32) | Unique ID associated with each Quavo client. | ALWAYS | qvo-stg | |
Key | Tenant | VARCHAR(64) | A tenant is a Quavo customer that uses QFD. Each tenant is assigned a unique Tenant ID. | ALWAYS | Default | |
Key | ClientId | VARCHAR(64) | A unique ID representing a single client. | ALWAYS | Default | |
Key | Client | VARCHAR(64) | A client is a Quavo customer that uses QFD through a relationship with a Quavo tenant. Each client is assigned a unique Client ID. | ALWAYS | Default | |
Claim Details | ClaimType | VARCHAR(64) | See Transaction Type. | CONDITIONAL | Card-Pinless | |
Claim Details | ClaimCategory | VARCHAR(64) | General categorization of the claim. For a more precise description, see Claim Reason. | CONDITIONAL | Fraud | |
Claim Details | ClaimReason | VARCHAR(64) | Identifies the specific reason associated with the claim. | CONDITIONAL | Stolen | |
Compliance Details | RegulatoryCoverage | VARCHAR | Identifies the specific reason associated with the claim. | CONDITIONAL | Reg E | |
Claim Details | ClaimChannel | VARCHAR(32) | The Claim Channel defines the intake channel where the claim originated. This channel can include various avenues such as online banking, back office users, contact centers, or external 3rd party contact centers. | ALWAYS | Online Banking | |
Key | ClaimId | VARCHAR(32) | Unique ID associated with a claim. Format: YYMMDD<Ordinal Number>"C" Example: 2405230003C | ALWAYS | 2306060014C | |
Claim Details | CreateDate | DATE | The datetime that a record was created. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | |
Claim Details | ContactDate | DATE | Represents the date that the claim was received from the accountholder. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | |
Claim Details | TotalClaimAmount | NUMBER(20,2) | The sum dispute amount of all pending and posted transactions included in a claim. | CONDITIONAL | 123.45 | |
Card Details | CardType | VARCHAR(16) | Bank Identification Number (BIN) is the first 4-8 digits of a payment card that identifies the issuing institution. | CONDITIONAL | Debit | |
Claim Details | Decision | VARCHAR(64) | "Paid" or "Denied". If one, or more, disputes on a claim are paid, the claim decision is "Paid". | CONDITIONAL | Paid, Denied | |
Claim Details | DiscoveryDate | DATE | The date provided during intake on a lost or stolen claim that represents the date the claimant discovered that the card had been lost or stolen. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | |
Claim Details | InvestigationDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Date and/or datetime that a Pay or Deny decision is rendered for all disputes on a claim. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Claim Details | ResolutionDays | NUMBER | Number of days between claim creation date and a final decision being applied. | ALWAYS | 10 | |
Claim Details | ResolvedDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that a claim or dispute is set to a "Resolved" status.. Also referred to as RESOLVEDDATETIME. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Risk Details | PotentialAbuse | BOOLEAN | A specified number of claims submitted by a single customer/member within an established timeframe. The output of this property is a boolean (TRUE/FALSE). | CONDITIONAL | FALSE | |
Risk Details | EmployeeClaim | BOOLEAN | A specified number of claims submitted by a single customer/member within an established timeframe. The output of this property is a boolean (TRUE/FALSE). | CONDITIONAL | false | |
Claim Details | PCDecision | VARCHAR(16) | The outcome of the initial interaction decision determined at claim submission. Possible values include AutoPay, Deny, Grant and Review. | CONDITIONAL | Grant | |
Claim Details | PCDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime when provisional credit was granted on a claim. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Claim Details | PCDays | NUMBER | Number of days between claim creation date and provisional credit execution date. | CONDITIONAL | 10 | |
Claim Details | DisputeStatusDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | The date dispute status was applied to a dispute. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | |
Claim Details | DisputeStatusDays | NUMBER | Number of days between claim creation date and the date when disputes were placed in dispute status. | CONDITIONAL | 10 | |
Claim Details | Reclassified | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether the claim was ever reclassified. | ALWAYS | TRUE, FALSE | |
Claim Details | PCWithheld | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether provisional credit was withheld by a user during claim intake. | ALWAYS | TRUE, FALSE | |
Claim Details | AutoPay | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether the claim was automatically paid during the initial interaction. | ALWAYS | TRUE, FALSE | |
Claim Details | ReopenRequested | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether one, or more, previously denied disputes on the claim had reopen requests made. | ALWAYS | TRUE, FALSE | |
Claim Details | RequiredDocuments | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether one, or more, documents were required from the accountholder. | ALWAYS | TRUE, FALSE | |
Claim Details | AdditionalInfoRequested | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether one, or more, requests for additional information were made on the claim. | ALWAYS | TRUE, FALSE |
For greater transparency, and to provide clients with a “jumping off” point for their own queries, the SQL used to generated this view is provided below.
SELECT c.tenantid,, c.clientid, cl.legalname, c.claimtype, c.reasontype, c.reason, (CASE WHEN c.rege45datetime IS NOT NULL THEN 'Reg E' WHEN c.rege90datetime IS NOT NULL THEN 'Reg E' WHEN c.regz90datetime IS NOT NULL THEN 'Reg Z' WHEN c.isfcra = TRUE THEN 'FCRA' ELSE 'No Coverage' END) AS RegulatoryCoverage, c.channelorigin, c.claimid, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.createdatetime::varchar || ' +0000'), c.customercontactdate, c.totalclaimamount, cs.state, c.status, c.cardbin, c.cardtype, c.decision, c.customerdiscoverydate, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.investigationcompletedatetime::varchar || ' +0000'), (CASE WHEN regethresholddatetime IS NOT NULL THEN regethresholddatetime ELSE regz90thresholddatetime END) AS ResolutionDeadline, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.resolveddatetime::varchar || ' +0000'), c.ispotentialabuse, c.isemployeeclaim, c.pcdecision, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.provisionalcreditdatetime::varchar || ' +0000'), c.reclassificationcount, c.requireddocumentcount, (CASE WHEN c.createdbyuserid= 'System' or c.createdbyuserid is NULL THEN 'System' -- QPS-9986 ELSE CONCAT(LEFT(u.firstname, 1), '. ', u.lastname) END) AS CreatedBy, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dispute AS d WHERE d.tenantid = c.tenantid AND d.claimid = c.claimid AND d.status != 'Resolved-PostedDisputeCreated') AS DisputeCount, (SELECT SUM(d.disputeamount) FROM dispute AS d WHERE d.tenantid = c.tenantid AND d.claimid = c.claimid AND d.status != 'Resolved-PostedDisputeCreated') AS DisputeAmount, IFNULL((SELECT SUM(mc.appliedamount) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = c.tenantid AND mc.claimid = c.claimid), 0) AS MerchantCreditAmount, IFNULL((SELECT SUM(d.merchanttotal) FROM dispute AS d WHERE d.tenantid = c.tenantid AND d.claimid = c.claimid AND (d.status = 'Resolved-Paid' OR d.status = 'Resolved-Denied')), 0) * -1 AS RecoveredAmount, IFNULL((SELECT SUM(d.losstotal) FROM dispute AS d WHERE d.tenantid = c.tenantid AND d.claimid = c.claimid), 0) * -1 AS LossAmount, to_date(t.golivedatetime) as TenantProductionDate FROM claim AS c JOIN tenant AS t ON c.tenantid = t.tenantid JOIN client AS cl ON c.tenantid = cl.tenantid AND c.clientid = cl.clientid LEFT JOIN claim_state AS cs ON cs.status = c.status LEFT JOIN userprofile as u ON u.tenantid = c.tenantid AND u.userid = c.createdbyuserid ORDER BY c.createdatetime DESC
Change Log
Date | Change Summary |
11/26/2024 | Added SQL |
12/11/2024 | Converted timestamps from NTZ to TZ format for compatibility |