Data Category Event Field/Column Name Data Type Description Applicability Sample Value Notes Key TenantId VARCHAR(32) Unique ID associated with each Quavo client. ALWAYS qvo-stg Key ClientId VARCHAR(64) A unique ID representing a single client. ALWAYS Default Key ClaimId VARCHAR(32) Unique ID associated with a claim. Format: YYMMDD<Ordinal Number>"C" Example: 2405230003C ALWAYS 2306060014C Key DisputeId VARCHAR(32) Unique ID associated with a disputed transaction. Format: YYMMDD#####"D" ALWAYS 2306050001D Recovery Details RecoveryActionId VARCHAR(64) ALWAYS 20f9bb81-46b7-47ef-a504-a0155316f154 Recovery Details ActionCode VARCHAR(64) ALWAYS RC4837 Recovery Details ActionName VARCHAR(128) Defines the recovery action taken by the system or a user. For more details, see Recovery Action History. ALWAYS Dispute Submitted Recovery Details Amount NUMBER(9,2) Amount of the dispute attempting to be recovered. ALWAYS 213.00 Recovery Details Category VARCHAR(32) Refers to the chargeback/recovery category as defined by the association. CONDITIONAL 10 Only applicable for card disputes. Recovery Details Cycle NUMBER(3,0) A numerical representation of the recovery cycle. For a comprehensive list of recovery actions and the cycle they align to, see Recovery Action History. ALWAYS 1, 2, 3 Recovery Details Decision VARCHAR(32) When related to a claim or dispute, this represents a pay/deny decision applied. When related to recovery actions, this represents a decision made by the system or user to pursue or not pursue recovery. Reflected as either "Deny," "Write Off," or "Pay" CONDITIONAL Arbitration Pursued Deprecated. Recovery Details DecisionResponse VARCHAR(64) When a decision is made to pursue recovery, the response to that action from the acquirer/merchant is recorded here. CONDITIONAL Dispute Declined Deprecated. Recovery Details DecisionResponseDateTime TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) Datetime when a Decision Response was recorded in Recovery Action History. CONDITIONAL 2023-09-09 21:00:00 Deprecated. Recovery Details DueDate DATE Represents the date established for requiring a response to a recovery action from the acquirer/merchant. Primarily used in Mastercard recovery. CONDITIONAL 2024-01-08 Only applicable where a due date was established by a user. Recovery Details PerformedByOperatorID VARCHAR(128) The unique ID of the operator that performed an action. ALWAYS Recovery Details PerformedOnDateTime TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) Datetime that a specified action was performed. ALWAYS 2023-09-09 21:00:00 Recovery Details RecoveryAssociation VARCHAR(64) Card processing network, such as American Express, Mastercard, or Visa. ALWAYS VISA Recovery Details RecoveryOptionLabel VARCHAR(128) A specific method, such as a particular chargeback reason code or a return, that is available for recovery funds as part of a broader Recovery Strategy. ALWAYS 10.4 Other Fraud - Card-Absent Environment Recovery Details Response VARCHAR(64) An acquirer/merchant response to a recovery action by the issuer. CONDITIONAL Dispute Declined Deprecated. Recovery Details Stage VARCHAR(64) Represents a stage in the recovery process for a particular dispute, such as "Chargeback" or "Pre-Arbitration". For a comprehensive list, see Recovery Action History. ALWAYS Dispute Submitted Recovery Details Outcome VARCHAR(64) When a decision is made to pursue recovery, the response to that action from the acquirer/merchant is evaluated to set an outcome of "Won", "Lost", or "N/A". CONDITIONAL Won Deprecated. Metadata SaveDateTime TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) ALWAYS 2023-09-09 21:00:00 Metadata EventDateTime TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) The datetime that the event was recorded. ALWAYS 2023-09-09 21:00:00 Metadata EventIdentifier VARCHAR(64) A unique ID associated with each business event. ALWAYS 70b1c86d-d06f-4c93-bab2-0e938a4ef768 Metadata EventItemId VARCHAR(64) An ID included with each business event that identifies the tenant and Claim ID or Dispute ID associated with the event. ALWAYS qvo-stg|20f9bb81-46b7-47ef-a504-a0155316f154