Email Integration

Email Integration


Emails are generated and transmitted in near real-time by QFD.  When an email is sent to a customer and the customer responds, that email is received by QFD and stored with the case.  

Sender E-Mail Setup

QFD sends outbound e-mails. QFD can send outbound e-mails using MS Graph, Google Gmail, and SMTP.  Configuration is handled by Quavo.

Connection Details:

  • Hosted Method (MS Graph, Google Gmail, SMTP)

  • E-Mail Addresses/Domains

  • Subject Line

  • Display Name

  • User ID

  • PW


Receiver E-Mail Setup

QFD can get response from an outbound e-mail originated in QFD. QFD connects to the e-mail client using Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) or POP3 with the option of enabling SSL/TSL. Configuration is handled by Quavo.


E-Mail Listener

QFD leverages an e-mail listener, which connects to the receiver email account that is configured and checks for new e-mails every 60 seconds.  When a new e-mail is received QFD will attempt to associated with a case.  If a matching case is found, it is attached to the case and an Read New Correspondence assignment is generated.  If an associated case cannot be located, a Re-Assign Correspondence assignment is generated and prompts a user to associate the email with the appropriate case.