QFD 24.01.03

VersionQFD 24.01.03
Release DateJuly 9, 2024
DescriptionPatch Release
ExportRelease Notes

Required Hotfixes

The following hotfix packages MUST be installed with this version of QFD:

About the Patch

QFD Patch 24.01.04 resolves a total of 35 bugs. 

Please review the patch highlights below or the Release Notes for a detailed description of the fixes within this patch. 

Patch Highlights

QPS-9335: Ethoca Request Fields


Added 29 additional fields to the Ethoca Alert requests. When a request is sent to Ethoca to initiate a case, the following fields are required when available:

Liability, AcquirerId, Amount, ARN, AuthorizationCode, AuthorizationDecision, AuthorizationDateTime,  CardNumber,  CardBin,  CardLast4, CardFormat, ChargebackAmount (Non-Fraud Only), ChargebackCurrency (Non-Fraud Only), ChargebackReasonCode (Non-Fraud Only), Currency, MerchantDescriptor, ECICode, FlaggedDateTime, InitiatedBy, TransactionId, MerchantCategoryCode, MID, PosCode, SettledDateTime, CardholderAuthenticationCode, MerchantCity, MerchantCountry, MerchantStateProvinceRegion, RetrievalReferenceNumber, 

Please see the Ethoca Alerts confluence page for additional information.

TSYS - Mastercard Warning Bulletin Configuration


Added a configurable Warning Bulletin to QFD's TSYS integration for block and reissue. When a block and reissue is performed a Warning Bulletin call will be triggered to TSYS.

Talk to your Client Success manager to configure the Warning Bulletin. Â