
Assignment(s)Review Documents

Some claim and dispute types require documentation in order to move forward with recovery. Paid by Other Means, Credit Not Processed, and claims that require the Written Statement of Unauthorized Debit will have a document requirement. Claims that have a document requirement will reflect the Review Documents assignment in the case roll-up. 

The Documentation node will pend for 10 calendar days awaiting the requested document. Note: The Initial Investigation assignment will be available even if the requested document hasn't been supplied.
If no documents have been received after the 10 calendar day pend timeframe has elapsed, the Documentation node will resolve and move the dispute to either the Provisional Credit node or if the provisional credit is already satisfied, the dispute will move to the Disposition node.
If the documentation is received, the assignment will prompt the agent to review the submission or skip the document requirement. The Review Documents assignment will prompt the agent to review the submitted document.

How to complete the Review Documents assignment

  1. Click the Review Documents button. 

  2. Review the documentation to ensure it meets the case requirement. 

  3. Select a Doc Type from the drop-down that best reflects the submitted document. 

  4. Click the Apply button.

  5. Click the Process Actions button. 


Next steps

The cardholder provided the document outside QFD.

Upload the document to QFD by clicking on the Documentation node, then select Review Documents.

Click on Attach new, then select the document from the file browser. 

The document uploaded is not relevant or doesn't satisfy the requirement. 

The Documentation assignment is independent of the recovery workflow. Pend the recovery assignment for Customer Response to send a letter requesting the required documentation.

If unable to pend the recovery assignment, manually send a letter requesting the required documentation through the Communication HUB.