
The Analyze stage is where the agents will take the majority of their actions within QFD. This stage includes granting provisional credit and completing recovery work. 

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Review for Chargeback Rights   

A chargeback is when a bank demands a merchant to cover a monetary loss from a fraudulent charge or disputed transaction.

Chargeback rights are present when the merchant may be liable to fulfill the bank's demand for compensation. These rights are based on the characteristics of the transaction. 

Steps to review the claim for chargeback rights:

 Click here to expand...
  1. Review the claim
    • Understand the claim reason
    • Review the notes
    • Review related claims
    • Read through the claim and dispute details
  2. Check for merchant credit
    • Click on the ellipses in the upper right of the transaction
    • Choose Check for Merchant Credit
    • If there's a match, select it and proceed with denying the claim
    • If there's no match, click on Cancel and continue the investigation
  3. Review disputed transactions
    • The transaction amount must be at least $25 (If the amount is under $25, a pay or deny decision will be made)
    • Review the transaction date and the Date Chargeback Rights Expire 
    • If the disputed transactions are recurring, review the 60-day rule 
    • Know how the transaction was charged by reviewing the entry modes
    • If the claim is Non-fraud, ensure that you have rights by checking on the required information/documentation
    • Determine if the disputed transaction has a protected ECS value


Example (Click to enlarge the image)

Next steps

The disputed transaction was processed by a money transfer merchant on a non-fraud or fraud claim regarding a purchase in which services or merchandise were not received.

Deny the dispute using the Money Transfer reason. Note the following:

The transaction was processed by a money transfer merchant. Money transfer merchants are not responsible for the delivery or suitability of goods or services. Money transfer merchant’s sole responsibility is to ensure funds are successfully transferred between payer and payee. As such, we have determined that no error has occurred.

The disputed transaction was processed by a money transfer merchant on a non-fraud claim regarding a failure to complete the funds transfer by the merchant. 

Continue the investigation and grant provisional credit if chargeback rights exist.
The disputed transaction was unauthorized and processed by a money transfer merchant on a fraud claim.

Continue the investigation and grant provisional credit if chargeback rights exist.
The member doesn't send in the requested documents after the allotted time. 

Deny the dispute as Accountholder Liable. Note the following:

On (enter date) we requested additional information related to this purchase. To date, we have not received a response. Without the required information, we are unable to pursue recovery on your behalf.

Some of the disputed transactions on the claim have rights but others don't.

Grant Provisional Credit to all disputed transactions. 

Recurring transactions are being disputed.
Review the 60-day rule 
Some recurring transactions are being disputed, but there are undisputed recurring transactions from the same merchant.

Deny the dispute as Accountholder Liable. Note the following:

Regrettably, we are unable to approve your claim at this time. The customer has prior business with the merchant, taking place on the same card, that has not been disputed (see below). The member will need to work directly with the merchant for resolution.

Include the undisputed transactions from the same merchant in your note. For example:

Pinterest Ads 415-7627100 CAUS May 1, 2022 on card ending in 4344 $30.00


We write-off or pay dispute claims for a variety of reasons. 

Write-off Reason


Note (Use subject Write-off or Paid)

Write-off, under threshold, no chargeback rights.The transaction amount is under $25.

Fraud: Claim paid. Transactions are outside of member spending pattern. All transactions under chargeback limit, so unable to obtain documentation to provide further information regarding disputes.

Non-fraud: Claim paid. All transactions under chargeback limit, so unable to obtain documentation to provide further information regarding disputes.

Write-off, no chargeback rights, VBV. (Visa)

Write-off, no chargeback rights, VB ECS. (MasterCard)

The transaction passed through an extra layer of security. This write-off reason only applies to fraud claims.

Visa: Check the Additional Data menu for the EC Moto. Chargeback rights don't exist if the EC Moto is 5 or 6. 

MasterCard: Check the Additional Data menu for the Electronic Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator. Chargeback rights don't exist if the ECS value is 211, 212, 215, 221, 222, 225, 241, 242, 245, 922, 912, 915.

Fraud: Claim paid. Transactions were VBV/VB ECS therefore no chargeback rights. Completed fraud review and no evidence of claim abuse. Transactions are outside of member spending pattern.
Write-off, no chargeback rights.

The disputed transaction doesn't have chargeback rights due to how it was processed. On a fraud card-secure claim, chargeback rights don't exist if the entry mode was either 05, 07, or 80.

Fraud: Claim paid. Transactions were chip-read on card-secure claim therefore no chargeback rights. Completed fraud review and no evidence of claim abuse. Transactions are outside of member spending pattern.


We deny disputed transactions when we find that the member is liable for the charges as a part of our investigation, or when we don't have enough information to pursue the investigation. 

Denial Reason



Duplicate DisputeThe member has at least one other open claim where the same transaction is being disputed.

Subject: Denied - Duplicate Dispute (last three digits of the dispute ID number)

Body: Duplicate dispute on claim (claim ID number)

Merchant Issued Credit The member's account has received a refund for the disputed transaction, therefore, a dispute is not needed.

Subject: Denied - MIC (last three digits of the dispute ID number)

Copy and paste the merchant credits from the letter into the body of the notes:

Money TransferThe member authorized a purchase through a money transfer merchant (CashApp, Zelle, etc.). Since the money transfer merchant completed the transfer of funds successfully, they did their part. The member should resolve the issue with the payee or money transfer merchant directly.

Subject: Denied - Money Transfer Merchant (last three digits of the dispute ID number)

Body: The transaction was processed by a money transfer merchant. Money transfer merchants are not responsible for the delivery or suitability of goods or services. Money transfer merchant’s sole responsibility is to ensure funds are successfully transferred between payer and payee. As such, we have determined that no error occurred.

No Error/Accountholder Liable

This denial reason can be used for a few scenarios, so review the notes on the claim for specifics. Possible explanations:

  • The merchant rendered services/merchandise according to the agreement
  • The disputed transactions have been identified as authorized and are not fraud
  • The member did not provide enough information for chargeback within the required timeframe
  • The member did not respond to merchant documentation within the required timeframe

Subject: Denied - No Error (last three digits of the dispute ID number)

Explain in the body the reason why no error had been made by the merchant. For example:

No error occurred, member claims the quality of the pizza was unacceptable, however, member confirmed they ate the pizza and did not attempt to return the food.

If the member has prior history with the merchant, and therefore the charge is not fraudulent, enter in the body:

Regrettably, we are unable to approve your claim at this time. The customer has prior business with the merchant, taking place on the same card, that has not been disputed (see below). The member will need to work directly with the merchant for resolution.

If the member did not respond to our request for additional information, enter in the body:

On (date) we requested additional information related to this purchase. To date, we have not received a response. Without the required information, we are unable to pursue recovery on your behalf.

If the member consumed the product or the service was rendered as promised, deny as such:

Though the quality of your purchase did not meet your expectations, we are unable to proceed with your claim because the services were rendered. The transaction completed as requested. Once the transaction was made, you are bound by their cancellation and refund policy. Please work directly with the merchant for a resolution.

Not PostedThe transaction did not post to the account. 

Notation for this scenario is not needed.

Out of Timeframe

The member has a responsibility to identify and report unauthorized/cancelled charges in a timely manner. Here are two reasons this denial reason is used:

  1. The transaction occurred too long ago for us to complete a chargeback (typically 120+ days ago)
  2. The member is disputing several recurring transactions, however, only a few of the earliest payments are eligible for chargeback

Subject: Denied - PTL (last three digits of the dispute ID number)

Body: Transactions are out of timeframe

To review how to notate 60-day rule scenarios, click here.

Posted LateThe transaction was authorized to post on a specific date, however, the transaction posted several months later (180+ days later). 

Subject: Denied - Posted Late (last three digits of the dispute ID number)


Proof of AuthorizationAlthough the member reported the transaction as unauthorized, the merchant provided sufficient documentation proving that the charge did come from the member. 

Subject: Denied - 


Valid Card PresentThe member disputed transaction(s) as fraud and confirmed they always have possession of their card. However, the transactions were made in-person, and therefore, we cannot move forward with the claim.

Subject: Denied - Valid Card Present (last three digits of the dispute ID number)

Body: We have determined that no error occurred as the services were rendered by the merchant listed in the dispute. Your physical card was present where the CHIP and/or PIN were authenticated at the merchant's terminal, with no errors, and the card was in your possession when the transaction occurred.

WithdrawnThe member rescinded their claim. 

Subject: Denied - Withdrawn (last three digits of the dispute ID number)

Body: Member withdrew claim on (date)

Request Documentation

We may need to request documentation or information from the member in order to meet chargeback requirements or respond to the merchant. 
For additional details, refer to the Visa Dispute Guidelines or Mastercard Dispute Guidelines.

Claim ReasonRegulationDocumentation/Information

Merchandise/Service not provided

Regulation Z
  1. Description of the merchandise or service.
  2. Expected delivery or service date*
    *If none is provided, a chargeback cannot be done until day 30 from the transaction date, unless the merchant confirms that the merchandise will not be provided.
  3. An attempt was made to resolve with the merchant.

Not as Described/Quality

Not Covered
  1. An explanation of what was not as described, defective, or information regarding the quality-related issue.
  2. The date the merchandise or services were received.
  3. An attempt was made to resolve with the merchant.

For services, the date of cancellation, or when a credit was requested from the merchant.

For merchandise, the return date or attempted return date.
For returned merchandise, all of the following, as applicable:

    • The name of the shipping company (if available)
    • A tracking number (if available)
    • The date the Merchant received the merchandise

If an expert opinion is needed, request the following:

Please provide documentation from an expert or professional (on their business letterhead, with a business card attached, or validated by other information demonstrating that the opinion expressed is that of an expert) that supports the dispute about the level of quality or misrepresentation of purchased items.


Not Covered

One of the following:

    • The documentation provided by a person purporting to be the owner or authorized representative of the owner of intellectual property rights for the goods purported to be counterfeit (which documentation may be available from a website, on business letterhead, with a business card attached, or validated by other information demonstrating that the opinion expressed is that of an expert) substantiating that the goods purchased are counterfeit.
    • Documentation substantiating that the merchant that sold the purported counterfeit goods was closed by a governmental agency for selling counterfeit goods now purported by the cardholder to be counterfeit.
    • Documentation from a bona fide expert substantiating that the disputed goods are counterfeit, which documentation is on the expert's letterhead or validated by other information demonstrating that the opinion expressed is that of an expert.

Late Presentment

Not Covered


Credit Not Processed

Regulation E & Z
  1. Merchant documentation to support credit is due to the cardholder.
  2. Proof of an improperly disclosed in-store credit and cardholder explanation.
  3. If the chargeback states that the merchandise was returned but the merchant denies receiving the merchandise in the second presentment, the Issuer must provide proof that the merchandise was returned to and received by the merchant to accompany the pre-arbitration case.

Cancelled Recurring

Regulation E & Z


  • The date the service was cancelled.
  • The date the merchant was notified that the account was closed.

Credit Posted as a Debit

Regulation E & Z


Transaction Amount Differs/Charged Incorrect Amount

Regulation E & Z
  1. Description of how the amount authorized differs from the amount posted.
  2. Documentation detailing the correct transaction amount (receipt or invoice, final bill, merchant correspondence).

Document request: Please provide proof that indicates a lesser amount is due.

Charged More Than Once/Paid By Other Means

Regulation E & Z

For duplicate processing:

  • Proof of the duplicate charge.
  • If the transaction was processed by different Acquirers (including Originating Acquirers), the Acquirer that processed the invalid transaction is responsible for the dispute. If the Issuer (including a Recipient Issuer) cannot determine which transaction is invalid, the Acquirer that processed the second transaction is responsible for the dispute.
  • For an ATM Transaction that was processed by different Acquirers, the Acquirer that processed the invalid Shared Deposit Adjustment is responsible for the dispute. If the Issuer or Recipient Member cannot determine which transaction is invalid, the Acquirer that processed the second transaction is responsible for the dispute.

For transactions that were paid by other means:

  • The dispute applies when a contract reflects that the merchant accepted a voucher issued by a third party as payment for merchandise or for services rendered, and subsequently bills the cardholder because the merchant is unable to collect payment from the third party
  • The cardholder must attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant or the merchant’s liquidator, if applicable, before the Issuer may initiate a dispute.

Fraud Review 

A fraud review is completed when a pay or deny decision needs to be made due to the disputed transaction not having chargeback rights. Furthermore, fraud reviews are completed on fraud claims. 

 Expand for the Fraud review checklist...
  1. Previous undisputed history with the disputed merchant
  2. Disputed activity occurring back-to-back
  3. Denied purchase attempts after the dispute activity
  4. Disputed transactions are outside the member's typical spending pattern 
  5. Disputed transactions are outside the member's geolocation
  6. Member reported the fraudulent activity immediately
  7. Fallback transaction (POS 80) 
  8. Lost/Stolen - there is no undisputed card-present activity during the disputed timeframe



Next steps

Undisputed card-present charges after lost/stolen dateMember has card-present charges after lost/stolen date that are not being disputed. 

Deny the claim as Accountholder Liable. Include the following in the body of your notes:

Claim Denied. Member states card was lost/stolen, however the physical card was present where the CHIP was authenticated at the merchant's EMV/CHIP compliant terminal, with no errors on transactions occurring after the date of loss that are not currently being disputed. Due to the cardholder using the card after the date of loss, the claim is being denied at this time.

Copy/paste the undisputed card-present purchases after the lost/stolen date that are not being disputed. 

Family fraud (previously authorized use)

Member states they gave a friend or family member their card/card information to make a purchase in the past, and this same person made the disputed charges.

Deny the dispute as Accountholder Liable. Note the following:

Disputed charges are a result from a family member/friend. Member should seek resolution with the individual who made the purchases and/or the merchant. 

If unable to deny due to workflow, select Do Not Pursue Recovery

Family fraud (never authorized use)Member states that a friend or family member stole their card/card information and made unauthorized charges.If chargeback rights exist, proceed with recovery.
Provided information to scammer or fraudsterMember states that they gave their card information to a scammer/fraudster and authorized the transaction. 

Deny the dispute as Accountholder Liable. Note the following:

Member made a purchase from a scammer. Unfortunately, these charges were authorized, and the merchant completed the service requested, so we are unable to pursue recovery on the member's behalf.

If unable to deny due to workflow, select Do Not Pursue Recovery

Prior business with merchantMember states they’ve done business with the merchant in the past, but they did not authorize the disputed transaction. If chargeback rights exist, proceed with recovery. 
Did not know the transaction is recurringMember states they’ve authorized a purchase from the merchant but did not authorize a recurring charge.

Reclassify the claim to Non-fraud - Cancelled Recurring and pursue the chargeback as 4853 - Recurring Not Properly Disclosed.

Note: QFD does not have Not Properly Disclosed as a claim reason type but we do have recovery rights under 4853.