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When inbound arbitration is received in Visa Review Inbound PreArbitration and the dispute does not meet the conditions for an automatic write-off, this assignment is generated and prompts a user to take action.



Review Inbound PreArb

This primary flow action displays the inbound pre-arbitration dispute details to the user and prompts them to complete the inbound pre-arbitration issuer action questionnaire as shown below.








Issuer ActionRR_IssuerActionList Accept, Accept Partial, DeclineMandatory
What is your reason for not accepting liability?RR_LiabilityNotAcceptedReasonText
Mandatory if Issuer Action is "Decline"
What is the amount that is being accepted?PartialAmountAcceptedCurrency
Conditional - Mandatory if Issuer Action is "Accept Partial"
What is your reason for not accepting full liability?RR_LiabilityNotAcceptedFullyReasonText
Conditional - Mandatory if Issuer Action is "Accept Partial"
Do you certify that the compelling evidence has been reviewed with the cardholder and that the cardholder wishes to continue with the dispute?IssuerCertifiesCardholderCompEvidenceYes/No
Conditional - Mandatory if inbound pre-arbitration reason is "Compelling Evidence"

Why does the cardholder continue to dispute?CardholderContinuesDisputeText
Conditional - Mandatory if IssuerCertifiesCardholderCompEvidence = "Yes"
Do you certify that the cardholder name and address provided by the acquirer does not match the issuer’s records?CardholderNameAddressNotMatchIndYes/No
Conditional - Mandatory if inbound pre-arbitration reason is "Compelling Evidence"

21.1 Mandate

Added question.

Do you have any additional comments to provide?

Next Steps

When full or partial liability is accepted, the user is prompted to record the amount accepted and  for the amount accepted.

When liability is declined or partially accepted, the user is prompted to provide additional details and pursue further options.  In this case, the response will be provided to Visa and the system will await inbound arbitration from the acquiring bank.


Response Deadline Reached

This flow action is available via the menu and will force the assignment into an "accept only" path where the user can review the details but must accept full liability and  for the full amount of the dispute.  This flow action is automatically executed when the SLA deadline is reached.


Goal: Inbound Pre-arbitration Received + 25 days

Deadline: Inbound Pre-arbitration Received + 30 days; Activity: Response Deadline Reached

Work QueueReviewInboundPrearb
Work Group

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