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Page Properties

Provide additional details about the assignment, such as other actions that are available to the user.


This is a description of the assignment.
DetailsWork QueueWorkQueueLink
assignment is generated in the Visa Pre Arbitration flow and prompts the user to record the acquirer response to the pre-arbitration dispute.



Record Acquirer Pre Arb Response

This primary flow action will prompt the user to record the pre-arbitration response.  The user must record one of the following responses and provide a Response Date.

  • Accepted Full
  • Accepted Partial
  • Declined

If fully accepted, the dispute is resolved as paid.

If partially accepted or declined...

No Response Received

This optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu and will simulate the response time-frame expiring.  The system will automatically execute this flow action when SLA deadline is reached.

Visa Collaboration Response Received

This flow action is only available to the system.  When RTSI is enabled and a response is received in queue, this flow action will be executed to retrieve the details.


Goal: 30 days

Deadline: 30 days; Activity: No Response Received

Work QueuePendingResponse
Work Group

Multiexcerpt include
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