Visa Collaboration Recovery Strategy

When a Consumer Dispute or Processing Error dispute is submitted to Visa in the Visa Dispute flow, the dispute enters the Visa Collaboration flow shown below.  

Recovery Options

Visa Collaboration includes the following Consumer Dispute and Processing Error recovery options.   Recovery options may be automatically selected and executed by the system, when enabled.  For consumer disputes or processing errors, recovery options are typically set based on certain claim attributes.  This logic is defined in Visa Recovery Option Settings.

Consumer Disputes

Services Not Provided or Merchandise Not Received 13.1

Cancelled Recurring Transaction 13.2

Not as Described or Defective Merchandise or Services 13.3

Counterfeit Merchandise 13.4

Misrepresentation 13.5

Credit Not Processed 13.6

Cancelled Merchandise or Services 13.7

Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted 13.8

Non Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction Value at ATM 13.9

Processing Errors

Late Presentment 12.1

Incorrect Transaction Code 12.2

Incorrect Currency 12.3

Incorrect Transaction Account Number 12.4

Incorrect Transaction Amount 12.5

Duplicate Processing or Paid by Other Means 12.6

Invalid Data 12.7