Visa Collaboration Response

Visa Collaboration Response

When a Consumer or Processing Error dispute is submitted in Visa Dispute, this flow is executed.  The system records the "Dispute Submitted" recovery action in the Recovery Action History.

Provisional Credit

If the system is configured to issue a provisional credit after a chargeback, the following flows will be executed:

Extension: Chargeback PC

By default, the system is configured to issue provisional credit to the customer in the Investigation step.  To configure the system to issue provisional credit after a chargeback has been filed for card disputes, update IssueProvisionalCreditAfterChargeback to evaluate to TRUE.

Chargeback Accounting

Collaboration Dispute Accounting is executed to generate accounting entries that reflect the movement of money between issuer and acquirer. 

Chargeback Response

While a response is awaited, the Pending Dispute Response assignment is displayed in the Disposition step and includes the follow flow actions.

Record Acquirer Response

This primary flow action prompts the user to record the response received from the acquirer.  When RTSI is enabled, the user should not process this assignment.  

  • Accepted Full
  • Accepted Partial
  • Declined

If the response is "Accepted Full", the dispute is resolved as paid.

If the response is "Accepted Partial" or "Declined"...

  1. Visa Dispute Response Accounting is executed.
  2. The Visa Review Collaboration Response is executed.

Visa Collaboration Response Received

This flow action is only available to the system and is used to resume the flow when a response is received in queue via RTSI.

If the dispute is not accepted fully, the system will execute the Get Visa Dispute Response Details flow to retrieve details about the response.  Otherwise, the dispute is resolved as paid.

Recall Dispute

This optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu.  See Visa Dispute Recall for more details.

No Dispute Response Received

This optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu and will simulate the response time-frame expiring.  The system will automatically execute this flow action when SLA deadline is reached.


A user may recall a dispute as long as a response has not been received.

Rule(s)ManualCollaboration, PendingCollaborationResponse

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