The Review Arbitration assignment prompts the user to enter the Association ruling and take further like writing-off or denying the dispute if needed. Users will need to know how to complete this action in the selected system. Consider when users need to notate work they complete for this assignment.
Reference page for users
Use the example claim you've prepared for the walkthrough.
Step 2B: If the arbitration was lost, select Arbitration Lost under Association Ruling
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Image RemovedImage Added To pay the disputed transaction, select Write Off under Next Step Image RemovedImage AddedExplain the write-off decision in the freeform box under Please provide an explanation
To deny the disputed transaction, select Deny Dispute under Next Step Image RemovedImage AddedChoose a deny reason from the Reason for Denial drop-down
Verify the debit date
For Reg E, verify the Deny Debit Date is set 5 business days from the denial date (excluding holidays and weekends)
For Reg Z, verify the Deny Debit Date is set for same-day
Enter the reason for the denial in the Deny Comments if required (asterisk)
Step 2C: If the arbitration results in a split ruling, select Split Ruling under Association Ruling
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Image RemovedImage AddedEnter the amount that was ruled in favor of the issuer in the Please review the Association's ruling and enter the amount won (in USD) field Image RemovedImage Added
To pay the disputed transaction, select Write Off under Next Step Image RemovedImage AddedExplain the write-off decision in the freeform box under Please provide an explanation
To deny the disputed transaction, select Deny Dispute under Next Step Image RemovedImage AddedChoose a deny reason from the Reason for Denial drop-down
Verify the debit date
For Reg E, verify the Deny Debit Date is set 5 business days from the denial date (excluding holidays and weekends)
For Reg Z, verify the Deny Debit Date is set for same-day
Enter the reason for the denial in the Deny Comments if required (asterisk)