Case Status Widget / Screen

Case Status Widget / Screen


The Case Status Widget, or Case Status screen, is the page intake users land on when following up on an existing claim. We'll start this portion of the training session with covering how to access an existing claim. Have the claims you created in Part 1 ready to use for the live walkthrough. 


Users need to locate the claim in order to access the tools and information needed to assist the account holder. 

The search field in the upper-right corner of the screen can be used to easily locate the claim. This search bar can search many different datums such as the claim ID, customer name, account number, email, etc. To search for a case, enter a search value and press the enter key or click the magnifying glass icon.

The search results will be displayed in a new dialog box as shown below.

The claim ID's first six digits reflect the date the case was created, so use this detail to select the correct claim. Click the ID hyperlink to open the case.

If using the claim ID to search for the case, then claim will be the only search result. 


Your firm may have a widget that is used to launch the account holder's claim history. Know if your firm has a specialized method for accessing existing claims. 

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