Required Actions

Required Actions


Claims that have a document requirement will reflect an additional tab. This tab is the Required Actions tab and prompts the user to upload the needed form. 


Click the Upload requested documentation link to view the required document and upload it if the user is in possession of the form. 

Click the Cancel button to hide the Document List section.

Download Template

This function allows the user to view and download the required form. Note that button is only available on claims wherein the account holder is provided a form to fill out and return, and not on claims where the account holder is asked to provide their own proof. 

Link Document

This function allows the user to link a file already on the claim to the document requirement. Use this tool when the account holder states that they have uploaded the document. Linking the file to the document requirement will satisfy the requirement. 

Check the box next to the file to link it to the document requirement. Click the Submit button.

 Click here to expand...

The user will see a confirmation message upon successfully linking the file to the document requirement.

Attach new

This function allows the user to upload a file from their computer to satisfy the document requirement. Drag and drop the file from a file browser or click the Select file(s) button to open a browser to your machine. Select the file.

 Click here to expand...

Update the name to meet internal requirements. We recommend naming files so that they start with the dispute ID the file supports.
For example: 231116021D_Proof of Purchase

Update the Category and Visibility if needed. 

Accountholder or Supporting Documentation suffice for requested documents. Contact Center visibility is recommended if there is no online banking configuration enabled. If online banking is enabled, use Member/Customer

The user will see a confirmation message upon successfully attaching the file to the case.