Upload a New File

Upload a New File


Intake users can upload files to open cases. This will create an assignment for a back-office user to review. 

Claim example: Quality


Step 1: Drag a file from a file browser or click the Select file(s) button. Select the file from the browser.

Step 2: Update the Name to meet internal requirements.

We recommend naming files so that they start with the dispute ID the file supports. For example: 2311240005D_Picture of Dress

Step 3: Update the Category to reflect the purpose of the file. 

Accountholder and Supporting Documentation suffice in most cases.

  • Accountholder: These are documents provided by the account holder that aren't required but support their case.

  • Association: These are documents involved in the recovery process.

  • Internal: These are documents used in the internal investigation that we don't want to share with the account holder.

  • Supporting Documentation: These are required documents such as a WSUD or Statement of Dispute

Step 4: Update the Visibility to determine which user groups can view the file then click the Complete button. 

Contact Center visibility is recommended if there is no online banking configuration enabled. If online banking is enabled, use Member/Customer

Upon completion, you may need to close out of the claim then reopen it to view the uploaded file in the View Case Attachments tool.