Request Dispute is Reopened

Request Dispute is Reopened


Intake user can submit a re-open request on denied claims. This will create an assignment for a back-office user to review. If the back-office user denies the re-open request, the account holder will receive a denial letter. If the back-office user approves the re-open request, the claim will be reinvestigated. 

Claim example: Stolen


Step 1: Enter the account holder's request for the case re-opening. 

Step 2: Respond "Yes" to the question, "Do you have new information that was not already provided when your dispute was initiated?"

If "No" is selected, the user will see this error message:

Advise the learner group on how to handle this. 

Step 3: Enter the new information regarding the dispute. 

Step 4: Select the dispute or disputes that are being requested to be re-opened. Then click the Next button. 

Selected disputes will be highlighted:

Step 5: If the user has supporting documentation in their computer, they can upload it here. If not, the user can click the Next button. 

Step 6: Review the re-open letter. Then click the Finnish button.