
View Case Notes


Intake users can view notes on the case that were placed by other intake users and back-office users if they used the Contact Center visibility. 

Claim example:
Quality or Charged More Than Once/Paid by Other Means


Step 1: Click View case notes.

Step 2: Review the four columns to the learner group.

  1. Subject: This field reflects the subject text as entered by the user who created that note. 
  2. Visibility: This field reflects the select user group who can view the note. Contact Center and Member allow intake users to view the note. 
  3. Created by: This field reflects the user who created the note. 
  4. Created on: This field reflects the time stamp denoting when the note was created. 

Step 3: Open a note. 

Click the row of a note you'd like to view. The body of the note will display beneath the subject.

Notes cannot be edited, however, users can delete notes that they created. Users cannot delete notes that they did not create. To delete a note, click on the trashcan icon on the right. The note will immediately be deleted, so use this function with care. 

Deleted notes can be access in the case audit in the back-office.