An issuer may initiate a Dispute under Dispute Condition 13.6: Credit Not Processed for the following reason:
- The cardholder received a credit or voided transaction receipt that was not processed.
- For an ATM Transaction, the cardholder disputes the validity of the adjustment, including a shared deposit adjustment, because the original transaction was either cancelled or reversed.
Time Limit
Before initiating a Dispute, an Issuer must wait 15 calendar days1 from the date on the Credit Transaction Receipt. This requirement does not apply if the Credit Transaction Receipt is undated.
A Dispute must be processed no later than 120 calendar days from either:
- The Transaction Processing Date
- The date on the Credit Transaction Receipt
For an ATM Transaction, a Dispute must be processed no later than 120 calendar days from the Transaction Processing Date of the Adjustment, including a Shared Deposit Adjustment.
A copy of the Credit Transaction Receipt or voided Transaction Receipt