Also referred to as "enrichment", this flow is executed to gather additional details about the disputed transactions. The 2020-05-29_21-11-35_Enrich Data Pre-Conditions are evaluated to determine which of the following actions is taken.
Page lookup error: page "2020-05-29_21-11-35_Enrich Data Pre-Conditions" not found.
If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.
User Flow Actions
Page lookup error: page "Manually Enrich Data" not found.
If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.
When the enrichment process is complete, the Post-Enrichment flow is executed to trigger additional activities.
Extension Points
Determine when enrichment should be executed and whether it will be executed by a user or a service. (2020-05-29_21-11-35_Enrich Data Pre-Conditions)
To define what values are required, update SetEnrichManuallyConditionGroupsExtension.