Legacy Report Actions
Managers have additional actions available when they access a report.
Filtered by
The Filtered by bar can be adjusted. Click on the bold links to edit that field.
Use Select Values to easily change the timeframe the report covers.
Click the Apply changes button to update the report.
Actions drop-down
Use the Actions drop-down to change the report type and export the report as a PDF or Excel workbook.
The Refresh action reloads the report. This action will not clear any filters applied.
Report details
The Report details action reveals a description of the report, the report category, and the report key.
The Summarize and Sort action allows a manager to condense the report through grouping and sorting.
The List action is available on chart and summary reports. This action converts chart and summary reports to list reports.
Export to PDF
The Export to PDF action will export the report as a PDF. Note that adjustments made using the Filtered by section will export. Adjustments made by filtering data in the column headers will not export.
Export to Excel
The Export to Excel action will export the report to Excel. Note that adjustments made using the Filtered by section will export. Adjustments made by filtering data in the column headers will not export.
Pin to Space
This function is no longer supported.
Filter data
Managers can click on column headers to sort the data. Data that is filtered by column header will not reflect on the exported report.