Check Claims

Check Claims

QFD supports automated processes like accounting and lettering, however, recovery for check disputes will occur outside QFD. Analysts will continue to complete the required assignments within QFD while working outside QFD to complete the investigation and pursue recovery. 

  1. Documentation
    If there is a Written Statement requirement, then the analyst will see the Documentation node. In check claims, the image of the check is an optional document. If the Written Statement is not received within 10 calendar days and the check image is not uploaded, this node will resolve and the Review Documents assignment will not generate. 
    Review Documents

  2. Investigation
    Note: The Initial Investigation assignment will wait for the Written Statement to be received and reviewed before it presents to an analyst. Analysts can enter the Investigation node within the 10-day pend timeframe to work the Initial Investigation assignment by clicking on the Proceed without Documents button. 
    In the Initial Investigation assignment, analysts will determine how to handle the dispute: grant provisional credit when recovery is to be pursued, grant final credit to pay the claim, deny the dispute, or pend the dispute for a variety of reasons. For more information on pending the claim, click here.
    Initial Investigation

  3. Disposition (Disposition Case)
    In the Disposition Case assignment, analysts will determine if recovery should be pursued. They can pursue recovery by completing the form, selecting Do Not Pursue Recovery to move the dispute to the Final Investigation assignment or make a liability decision immediately, or selecting the Pend option from the Other Actions menu to pend the dispute for a variety of reasons. For more information on pending the claim, click here.
    Disposition Case

  4. Recovery 
    Note: The claim will be paid when the analyst processes the method of recovery (Process Debit, Late Claim Adjustment, or Federal Adjustment). If the analyst pursues the Request Funds recovery option, they will be prompted to choose a pend timeframe and complete the letter to the paying bank. QFD will send the letter, however, the analyst will need to capture the paying bank's response. Recording the paying bank's response occurs in the Recovery node and there are two options: Paid and Denied. If the Denied option is selected, the analyst will need to determine if they pay the claim, deny the claim, or pursue another recovery option. The latter option will move the dispute back to the Disposition node to work the Disposition Case assignment a second time. 
    Check Recovery

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