Provisional Credit Summary Report
- Devan Robertson
- Kristafanie Somers
- Andrea Whiteside (Unlicensed)
- Nick Facca
Description |
Summary of provisional credit SLA performance. By default, set to display the last 30 days.
Category | |
Report Key | ProvisionalCreditSummaryReport |
Report Type | Summary |
Fields | Account Type Total SLA - # of provisional credit assignments completed due to the Reg E 10 SLA expiring. Total Init Interaction - - # of provisional credit assignments completed due to the PC Decision in Initial Interaction resulting in a provisional credit. Fastest PC - # of days to complete fastest provisional credit. Slowest PC - # of days to complete slowest provisional credit. Average PC - Average # of days it takes for provisional credit to be issued. PC Within Goal - # of provisional credit actions completed within SLA goal. PC Within Deadline - # of provisional credit actions completed within SLA deadline. Total - # of provisional credit actions completed. |
Filter Parameters | Claim Type, Claim Category, Contact Date, Account Type |
Sample Export |