Review Fee

Review Fee



Deadline: 8 days

Assignment Group

Daily Maintenance



The Review Fee assignment prompts the agent to review a fee identified by the system as potentially applicable to the dispute. The agent will determine if the fee should be refunded in the event the claim is paid.


Step 1: Click the Review Fee button.



Step 2: Select the correct dispute from the drop-down that is associated with the fee.

Step 3: Determine if the fee is to be refunded or to leave the fee unchanged by selecting an option from the drop-down:

  1. Refund Fee will refund the fee if the claim is paid.

  2. Discard will leave the fee unchanged.

Step 4: Click the Apply button.

Step 5: Click the Process Actions button. 


Other Actions

The Other Actions menu offers additional actions and information that allows the user to effectively work the task. 

Mark Assignment As Unworkable

Assignments that cannot be worked due to a technical issue can be marked as unworkable. This action will move the unworkable task to the Unworkable Assignment Group where leadership can review the scenario and take steps to resolve it. Technical errors that require the task to be marked as unworkable include QFD not reflecting correct data or when a user takes an action on the task, the action does not process and the assignment loops or is stuck.