
This optional extension provides added control in your fulfillment process by requiring an escalated review of key, manual decision points.  Approvals can be enabled, with configurable thresholds, for the following user decisions: Deny, Provisional Credit, and Write Off.  When an approval flow is enabled, the decision that requires approval is suspended until a manager completes the review assignment.  The manager can approve the decision and the flow resumes, or they can decline the decision, provide an explanation, and the flow returns to the previous decision assignment.

The following approval flows are supported.

Deny Decision Approval

Provisional Credit Decision Approval

Write Off Decision Approval

Regulatory Overrides

When a regulatory protection action is taken by the system, this action will override any pending approvals and those approval assignments will be automatically resolved.


Because these decisions are critical for the user to be aware of, any denied decisions will generate a message in the Alerts tool.

Review History

A history of completed reviews is displayed in the Completed Actions section of the Decision Approval step.
