IPSec VPN Tunnel

IPSec VPN Tunnel


The VPN tunnel connects QFD to internal services through an additional layer of security. This feature creates a secure and direct connection to QFD for service calls. Quavo will also whitelist Client IPs and provide an SFTP for file sharing.

How It Works

The VPN tunnel uses shared keys, endpoints, encryption settings, etc. to make the secured connection to the Core Banking system.


Quavo Responsibilities

  1. Work with client to understand connection options, methods and IP ranges in use

  2. Upon receiving the necessary shared keys, endpoints, encryption settings, etc.. make the secured connection available to QFD within a month

Client Responsibilities

  1. Work with Quavo to understand available options for secure connection

  2. Provide necessary shared keys, endpoints, encryption settings, etc.. to make the secured connection within two weeks of phase kickoff

  3. Test the connection and provide a point of contact for any issues or maintenance in the future

Success Criteria

Connection should be made between QFD and the client service endpoint through the tunnel.  This should be done in test, and then verified in production after deployment and before letting users into the system.


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