ARIA Addon

ARIA Addon


ARIA conducts error-free fraud investigations, delivering instant case decisions. Manual Investigations will no longer be required when ARIA makes a decision. ARIA will investigate cases below today's auto-pay thresholds. ARIA’s deny decisions minimize losses and investigators will no longer need to aggregate data from various systems to complete their investigation.


Reviews Dozens of Data Points

ARIA gathers and reviews accountholder details, transaction history, communicates with merchants and Associations, all to deliver accurate case decisions.

Compliance Friendly

ARIA is kept up-to-date with the latest regulatory and Association mandates, ensuring compliance success.

Increased Efficiency

ARIA is powered by automation to quickly complete investigations and deliver final decisions. ARIA is consistent, fast, and adaptable.

How It Works

ARIA is comprised of over 30 risk evaluations, which include true fraud potential and friendly fraud potential. Based on a review of these risk evaluations, ARIA makes her decision, resulting in the claim being denied, or remaining open for recovery.


Phase 1

In this phase, ARIA is enabled in tandem mode, which allows management and potentially investigators access to ARIA's investigation data and decisions.  Throughout this phase, the scoring model is reviewed, tuned and results validated for accountholder treatment and accuracy compared to results of human investigation.  No additional data is added to QFD in this phase to speed delivery.

Quavo Responsibilities

  1. Work with client to understand ARIA's factors, decision matrix and how scores can affect investigation results

  2. Work with client to understand what data is currently available to ARIA through QFD, which factors this enables in ARIA and what additional data can enable additional factors

  3. Enable ARIA in QFD in tandem mode within one month of phase kickoff

  4. Work with client to tune ARIA's initial decisions in tandem with human investigators and recommend changes based on results

Client Responsibilities

  1. Approve factors used, scoring methodology and decision matrix

  2. Review and assist in refining ARIA from tandem results

Phase 2

In this phase, additional data from interfaces already consumed in QFD is added to enable additional factors, if applicable.  Additionally, utilizing ARIA data in client employee investigations and utilizing ARIA's decision to alter the dispute workflow (such as paying when ARIA makes a Pay decision) become in scope.

Quavo Responsibilities

  1. Work with client to understand what additional data is currently available to ARIA through QFD's currently consumed interfaces and which additional factors this enables in ARIA

  2. Integrate ARIA's decisions with QFD's dispute workflow to utilize Pay and Deny decisions

Client Responsibilities

  1. Approve factors used, scoring methodology and decision matrix

  2. Review and assist in refining ARIA from additional factors

  3. Review ARIA enforced decisions and assist in refining ARIA from any findings

Phase 3

In this phase, additional factors are brought in through the use of new interfaces.  Additionally, entirely new factors can be built into ARIA to further increase the effectiveness of the product.  This phase is meant to be iterative and can occur multiple times depending on development effort to build factors, source data within the client's organization or bring it into QFD.

Quavo Responsibilities

  1. Work with client to understand ARIA's unutilized but available factors and data requirements to enable them

  2. Integrate with client systems to pass additional data into QFD and ARIA to enable additional factors

  3. Develop additional factors as requested by client and make available in ARIA

Client Responsibilities

  1. Provide integrations to bring additional data into QFD and ARIA for automated investigations

  2. Review and assist in refining ARIA with the addition of new factors

Success Criteria

Phase 1

ARIA should be running in tandem mode in production, with results being compared against human decisions and the scoring algorithm refined or justified.

Phase 2

ARIA should be assisting investigators in conducting research that is routed to them in production.  For decisions ARIA is making, they should be reviewed for accuracy or further refinements.

Phase 3

All requested ARIA factors should be enabled and the scoring model tuned to accommodate them.  For newly developed factors, they should be analyzed for accuracy before impacting the scoring model.


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Best Practices

We recommend deploying ARIA in tandem review mode as quickly as possible to compare results with human investigators.  When investigators are confident in true fraud indicators, QFD can be set to adhere to ARIA pay decisions and not send to a human investigator.  As a third change to acceptance of ARIA, applying Pay and Deny decisions will further reduce human investigations.  Future releases with additional data and profile tweaks will reduce this percentage further.

Phase 1

Deploy ARIA to production as quickly as possible, even if the scoring model has not been fully validated.  This allows data to pass through the system and will allow for opportunities to run profiles on existing data sets.  After release to production, refining the model in a highly iterative fashion is recommended.  We recommend not utilizing test regions for anything but baseline functionality certification as test data is extremely unreliable for ARIA.

Phase 2

Enable ARIA to assist investigators as soon as possible after completion of the first phase.  When allowing ARIA to enforce decisions, test that cases flow through the system as expected in a testing environment before moving QFD code changes to production.

Phase 3

Deploy any new factors in a profile where the score is not affected in a meaningful way, but factor hits can be observed for validity.  Once they are observed as accurately hitting, apply a new profile with scoring changes that take the factor's true intent into consideration.  New factors can be introduced in an iterative fashion within this phase, or additional phases with the same methodology can be run until ARIA is making a decision on the desired volume and types of cases.

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