Customers/Members & External User View


Customers/members and external users have access to the External Case Status Widget, but their view is concise and slimmed down for a better experience.

Landing Page

When launching the External Case Status widget users will be directed to a landing page that displays all cases opened for the customer/member. To view a specific case, users can click on the hyperlinked Claim ID.

Case View

After selecting a claim, users are directed to the Case View landing page.

External Case - Customer Case View.png

Talking Points

The talking points displayed in the external case status are dynamic, based on the status of the case and actions taken, as described below.

Talking Point

Display Condition(s)

Talking Point

Display Condition(s)

We received your dispute totaling <<Claim Amount>> on <<Customer Contact Date>> on the card ending in <<Card Number Last 4>> and are currently conducting our investigation.

Displayed when the account type is "Credit".

We received your dispute totaling <<Claim Amount>> on <<Customer Contact Date>> and are currently conducting our investigation.

Displayed when the account type is "Deposit".

Your account was previously credited for <<Provisional Credit Amount>> on <<Provisional Credit Date>> while we conduct our investigation.

Displayed when provisional credit has been granted.

We reached out to you to request additional information via <<Selected Channel>> and are awaiting your response.

Displayed when a document requirement has not been satisfied or a dispute is pending for customer response.

No additional information is required from you at this time.

Displayed when there are no outstanding document requirements and no customer response is pending.

<<Amount In Dispute Status>> have been placed in dispute status while we complete our investigation.

Displayed when one, or more, disputes are in active dispute status.

We anticipate having your dispute resolved by <<RegE Deadline>>.

Displayed when Reg E applies and the claim is unresolved.

We anticipate having your dispute resolved within 2 full statement cycles from <<Customer Contact Date>>.

Displayed when Reg Z applies and the claim is unresolved.

We have resolved the dispute in your favor and the credit issued to you is now considered permanent.

Displayed when all disputes are resolved as paid.

We have resolved your dispute and sent more information via secured messaging/email.

Displayed when all disputes are resolved as denied.

We have resolved the dispute. Please refer to the correspondence provided for details.

Displayed when all disputes are resolved, but with more than 1 status.

Your claim was re-opened on << Reopen Date >>.

Displayed when one, or more, disputes have been re-opened.

The case has been forwarded to the appropriate department.

Displayed when the case has been transferred to another organization.

We have created a claim ID but the process is incomplete.
To dispute the transaction(s), please create a new claim.

Displayed when the case is abandoned.

We have created a claim ID but the process is incomplete

Displayed when the case has not been submitted but is no

Transaction Grid

The transaction grid lists out all dispute on the claim.

Transaction Grid Fields

Field Name


Field Name


Dispute ID




Transaction Date


Dispute Amount


Dispute Status


Acquirer Network


Dispute Reason


Documentation Required


Remaining Recovery Amount


Date Chargeback Rights Expire


NACHA Return Deadline


Chargeback Rights Indicator


Selected Recovery Reason


User Actions

The following actions are available to users to interact with an existing claim.

Request case is withdrawn 

Users can request that the entire claim or individual disputes be withdrawn. This will generate a Review Withdrawal Request Assignment in the back office.

Upload a new file

Users can add files to the case to share them with the back office. This will attach the file to the case and generate a Review New Attachment Assignment in the back office.

View Case Notes

Users can access notes placed on the claim based on the specified visibility.

  • When visibility is set to "Customer" or "Member", the note is visible to all users

  • When visibility is set to "Contact Center", the note is visible to front-office and back office users, but not customers/members.

  • When visibility is set to "Fulfillment", the note is only visible to back office users.

When a note is placed by an intake user, the visibility is set to Contact Center.

View Case Attachments 

When a document is attached to a case. users can view case attachments. Attachments are assigned a visibility setting to only display certain case attachments to each user type. Once the document is attached to the case

  • When visibility is set to "Customer" or "Member", the document is visible to all users

  • When visibility is set to "Contact Center", the document is visible to front-office and back office users, but not customers/members.

  • When visibility is set to "Fulfillment", the document is only visible to back office users.

When a document is uploaded through the External Case Status widget the visibility is automatically set to customer/member and visible to all users.

When a document is uploaded through Back Office, the user has the ability to set the visibility.

When a document is received from an association the visibility is automatically set to Fulfillment and only visible to back office users. 

View Communications

Users can view all incoming and outgoing communication from the case.  From this streamlined view of Communication Hub, users have the ability to view message content, download the full file, or resend a previously sent message.