
The "Reopen" action is available from the Actions menu in the upper-right hand corner of the portal window and will allow a user to reopen a dispute that was previously denied if a customer reasserts their claim.  This action is only available to internal users and for disputes that are in a “Resolved-Denied” status for one of the following reasons:

  • Accountholder Liable (including any sub-denial reasons)
  • Merchant Credit
  • Withdrawn

Reopen Prerequisites

Any open assignments related to a denied dispute must be resolved before the dispute can be reopened.

Reopen Action

When this action is selected, the user is prompted to answer the following questions.

  • Why are you reopening the dispute?
  • Do you have any new information to provide?
  • If yes, please provide any new details.
  • Would you like to issue provisional credit?
  • If yes, would you like to send the provisional credit letter?

Reopen Flow

When the reopen action is completed, this flow is executed.  If enrichment was completed prior to the case being resolved, then the dispute will move to the Analyze stage for disposition.  If enrichment was not completed, the dispute will move to the Enhance stage so that any required enrichment steps are completed.  Once the stage is set, the system will check to see if the user opted to issue provisional credit.  If so, the Issue Provisional Credit flow is executed.

Amount Calculations

When a dispute is reopened, the Dispute Amount and Remaining Recovery Amount values are set equal to the Original Dispute Amount less any balance in the Customer Accounting Collection.  This compensates for any final credits that were issued to the customer.


When a dispute is reopened, the Reassertion Confirmation is generated.

RulepyReopenToStage, ReopenIssuePC