Accounting Collections

Accounting Collections


Accounting rules define what collections are debited and credited in each accounting operation.  A collection is also referred to as a "bucket" and used to describe a group of accounts.  The following collections are used in QFD:

Account Holder

This collection represents the customer and any accounting that involves the customer hits this collection.


When a fee is credited or a credit is reversed, this collection is referenced.


Any account holder credits that are not recovered will require a debit to one, or more, loss accounts.  


This collection is primarily used for tracking recovery from external parties, such as merchants, other financial institutions, or even other departments within your institution.  For example, when a chargeback is submitted, the merchant bucket is debited to illustrate the liability shift.


This is the most frequently used collection in QFD.  All account holder accounting entries will involve a credit or debit to suspense.  Additionally, suspense balances are used to determine loss potential.

Account Decision Trees

All accounting rules are final and cannot be modified.  However, the following decision trees allow each implementation to configure specific accounts to be referenced by these rules.  Add conditions to these decision trees to evaluate claim and dispute data and assign the appropriate account for all accounting rules that reference that collection.

  • Get Fees GL
  • Get Loss GL
  • Get Suspense GL
  • Get Merchant GL
  • Get Other FI GL

Accounting Exceptions

Before a dispute can be resolved, the system evaluates certain collections to ensure they are in balance.  If any of the following conditions are met, an accounting exception assignment is generated.

PaySuspense balance is not 0
DenyAccount Holder, Loss, Merchant, or Suspense balances are not 0
Partial Deny or Write-OffSuspense balance is not 0