Auto Enrichment

When Enrichment is executed and Enrich Data Preconditions is set to "AUTO", this flow is executed to facilitate the retrieval of transaction details from an external system. 

This is primarily utilized for calling association services to retrieve clearing and authorization details.  Local services are also supported. 

The system will first check to see if any applicable service prerequisites have been met by evaluating Auto Enrichment Preconditions, which will result in one of the following outcomes.



Prerequisites MetAn Execute Enrichment Service Call assignment is displayed while the integrated service is called.
Prerequisites Not MetAn XXX assignment is generated to prompt a user to...

The Provide Enrichment Prerequisites assignment prompts a user to complete one of the following actions.

Provide Enrichment Prerequisite Data

This primary flow action prompts the user to provide any required data that is not already known.  Data such as Card Number and Acquirer Reference Number are commonly required. 

Enrich Manually

This optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu and prompts the user to provide values for all required fields.

Skip Enrichment

This optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu and completes the flow without collecting transaction details.

Once all prerequisites have been met, the service call is completed.  Depending on the configuration, one of the following enrichment service flows is executed.

If the service is successful, the flow is complete.  If it fails, the Enrichment Service Failed assignment is generated if the system is not past the retry limit.  The retry limit is set differently by association.  The system will retry every 12 hours in case the failure was a result of a intermittent issue or due to data not being available in the association.  With Mastercard it will check the posting date and if it is within a few days of the claim date it will retry for 3 business days.

Retry Enrich Data Service Call

This is the primary action of the assignment.  When the user clicks on the "Retry Enrich Data Service Call" button the section below will be expanded and display the error returned from the enrichment service.  To complete the retry click Apply and then Process Actions, otherwise click on Other Actions to take a different action.

Process Enrichment Manually

This optional action is available via the Other Actions menu.  The user can manually complete enrichment to move the dispute forward in the workflow.

Additional Other Actions

