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2: Review New Attachment

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The Review New Attachment assignment is generated when a note is placed or a file is uploaded by the account holder or an intake user. Account holders can add a note and upload a file to the case if self-service is enabled. Consider if users need to notate any work relating to account holder and intake user documents emails, such as follow-up actions the user had to take in response. 

Reference page for users


Use the example claim you've prepared for the walkthrough. 

Step 1: Click on the Review New Attachment button

A pop-up window will populate with the note or the file will be downloaded to your machine.

 Click here to expand...



Step 3: Click the Apply button

Step 4: Click the Process Actions button

Step 5: Take the necessary action on the claim based on the attachment

Other Actions

The Other Actions menu offers additional actions and information that allows the user to effectively work the task. 

Mark Assignment As Unworkable

Assignments that cannot be worked due to a technical issue can be marked as unworkable. This action will move the unworkable task to the Unworkable Assignment Group where leadership can review the scenario and take steps to resolve it. 

Technical errors that require the task to be marked as unworkable include QFD not reflecting correct data or when a user takes an action on the task, the action does not process and the assignment loops. 

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