This assignment will prompt the user to determine if, and how, recovery will be pursued. If recovery is not pursued, the user is prompted to process liability by denying or writing-off the dispute.
Review Recovery Options
The primary action prompts the user to determine an appropriate recovery option. Depending on the applicable recovery strategy and the information obtained, an option may have already been set by the system. When a recovery option is set, any applicable validations and/or dependencies are displayed. For more information about specific strategies and options, see Recovery.
Do Not Pursue Recovery For All
This action will send the dispute(s) to the resolution tollgate to be decisioned when all recovery actions for any other disputes are complete. The user will be required to provide a reason for not pursuing recovery when executing this action.
Other Actions
One, or more, of the following, optional actions may be available to the user from the Other Actions, depending on the applicable recovery strategy.