Dispute Claim: Charged More Than Once

Dispute Claim: Charged More Than Once


Paid by Other Means (achieved through the Charged More than Once questionnaire) requests that the account holder provide proof of payment. This document requirement will show a special notice on the Case Status Widget. 

The instructions provided here include specific responses for freeform fields. 


Step 1: Answer “Which of the following would you like to report?” with “I participated in this transaction, but there is a problem.”

Step 2: Answer “Which of the following best describes the reason for your dispute?” with “I was charged more than once.”

Step 3: Click the Continue button

Step 4: Locate and select the disputed transaction(s) or click Manually add the transaction to add a transaction to the claim, click the Continue button

Step 5: Answer the additional questions, then click the Continue button

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  1. Answer “Is the valid transaction on this same account?” with “No”

  2. Answer “Is the other transaction on a Quavo card?” with “No”

  3. Under “What was the other form of payment?” select “Another card”

  4. Answer “Did you attempt to resolve with the merchant?” with “Yes”

  5. If prompted, enter the following in the “Please explain” freeform box:
    I went back to the store and asked if they could refund me but they said they had no record of the second payment.

  6. If prompted, answer “Do you have any additional information that should be provided to the merchant regarding your dispute?” with “No”

  7. Answer “Do you have any additional information to provide about this dispute?” with “No”

Step 6: On the Summary screen, review the information, then click the Submit button

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