Actions Taken
Actions Taken
This method uses the actions taken on the assignment as a way to measure performance.
Actions Taken Data
The Completed Dispute Assignments report reflects the user, the action the user took on the assignment, and the timestamp.
Actions Taken Point Values
Flow Action indicates the action taken by the user to complete a task in a workflow.
Flow Action | Points |
AcceptAcquirerResponse | 5 |
AccountingExceptionResolved | 6 |
ActionStub | 2 |
AltNetworkReview2ndChargebackRe+ | 4 |
AltNetworkReviewChargebackRespo+ | 6 |
ApprovalLevel | 0 |
AssociationRulingReceived | 11 |
CancelDisputeRecall | 1 |
CancelExecuteVisaPreArbResponse | 0 |
CancelFraudReporting | 2 |
CancelMerchantCreditCheck | 2 |
CancelProcessLiability | 5 |
CancelRecoveryOption | 5 |
CancelVisaCaseFilingStatus | 6 |
CancelVisaPreArbitration | 0 |
CheckExceptionReview | 1 |
DenyDispute | 3 |
DisputeResponsePend | 13 |
DisputeResponseRecievedAccept | 13 |
DoNotPursueRecovery | 5 |
EnrichManually | 4 |
EnrichSimilarTransactionsManual+ | 6 |
ExecuteAltNetwork2ndChargeback | 1 |
ExecuteAltNetworkArbitration | 1 |
ExecuteChargeback | 7 |
ExecuteChargebackRetryAutomation | 2 |
ExecuteMCCaseFiling | 4 |
ExecuteRecallDispute | 6 |
ExecuteVisaAcceptDispute | 10 |
ExecuteVisaPreArbitration | 3 |
ExecuteVisaPreArbResponse | 6 |
FileManualFraudAlert | 1 |
GrantFinalCredit | 3 |
GrantProvisionalCredit | 2 |
InboundPrearbPend | 8 |
InboundPrearbReceivedAccept | 7 |
ManuallyIdentifyPosting | 3 |
ManuallyReverseFraudReporting | 2 |
ManualRecallDispute | 5 |
ManualVisaCaseFilingWithdrawal | 5 |
MarkAsRead | 3 |
MatchFromPotentialTransactions | 2 |
MCCancelCaseFilingActivity | 6 |
MCPreArbitrationNoResponseRecei+ | 11 |
MCRecallDispute | 5 |
MCReportFraud | 4 |
MCReviewArbitrationResponse | 10 |
MCReviewChargebackReject | 11 |
MCReviewPreArbitrationResponse | 13 |
MCReviewRepresentment | 10 |
MCUpdateCaseFiling | 5 |
MerchantCreditCheck | 3 |
Pend | 3 |
PendTimeframeExpired | 4 |
PreArbResponseRecievedAccept | 9 |
ProceedWithoutDocs | 4 |
ProcessAlternateNetworkChargeba+ | 7 |
ProcessLiability | 3 |
ProcessLiabilityForAll | 2 |
ProcessMCChargeback | 6 |
ProcessVisaDispute | 1 |
ProvideAcquirerReferenceNumberW+ | 2 |
ProvideDuplicateARNWithMastercom | 5 |
ProvideEnrichmentPrerequisiteDa+ | 12 |
ProvideMCGetFraudReportingInputs | 2 |
ProvideRequiredEnrichmentData | 2 |
ProvideVisaGetFraudReportingInp+ | 0 |
RecordAcquirerArbResponse | 0 |
ReferToManualMerchantCreditCheck | 1 |
ReportFraud | 1 |
RepresentmentPend | 8 |
RepresentmentResponseRecievedAc+ | 10 |
ResolveMerchantAccounting | 3 |
Resume | 2 |
ResumeARNMatching | 2 |
ResumeRunARIA | 3 |
ResumeServiceExecution | 1 |
RetryAutoMCARNMatch | 2 |
RetryCreatePreArbViaService | 7 |
RetryEnrichDataServiceCall | 3 |
RetryFraudReportingService | 6 |
RetryInitateDispute | 4 |
RetryMCEnrichData | 1 |
RetryMerchantCreditServiceCall | 4 |
RetryRecallDisputeService | 4 |
RetryVisaAcceptDisputeViaService | 4 |
RetryVisaCaseFilingInquiry | 5 |
RetryWaitForPostingServiceCall | 2 |
ReviewAdditionalInformationGath+ | 0 |
ReviewArbitration | 16 |
ReviewAssociatedVisaTransactions | 3 |
ReviewDisputeResponse | 12 |
ReviewDocuments | 6 |
ReviewEthocaMerchantResponse | 0 |
ReviewInboundPreArb | 8 |
ReviewNewAttachment | 4 |
ReviewNoAcquirerResponseReceived | 4 |
ReviewRecoveryOptions | 6 |
ReviewVisaPreArbResponse | 13 |
ReviewWithdrawalRequest | 3 |
SkipRequiredEnrichment | 5 |
SkipVisaAssociatedTranReview | 1 |
StandardPend | 4 |
StillPending | 3 |
SubmitRTSIChargeback | 5 |
UpdateAcquirerNetwork | 3 |
UpdateVROLAssociatedTranSelecti+ | 4 |
VisaReportFraud | 3 |
VisaWithdrawCaseFiling | 3 |
WriteOff | 2 |
MerchantCreditCheckLocalAction | 1 |
MerchantCreditCheckLocalAction | 0 |
ResumePendingMarkAsReadDispute | 0 |
RetryFeeRetrievalService | 0 |
CorrectInvalidAccounting | 0 |
ReviewChargebackReject | 1 |
ArbitrationStillPending | 1 |
AllCoveredResolved | 1 |
DenyProvisionalCredit | 4 |
ExecuteAccountingService | 0 |
ResearchCompleted | 1 |
RetryExecuteChargebackService | 1 |
pyContinueAfterWait | 0 |
RecallChargeback | 1 |
ExecuteMerchantCreditService | 1 |
ExecuteEnrichDataService | 1 |
CancelLetter | 1 |
RetryRecordARIAInvestigationRes+ | 0 |
ResumeTollgate | 1 |
SkipTollgate | 0 |
SkipARIA | 0 |
AcceptWithPartialMerchantCredit | 10 |
RetryMCCaseFilingService | 1 |