MasterCom Funds Disbursement


Step 1: In MasterCom, click on the “Dashboards/Filters” header

Step 2: Click “New Filter”
A new tab will open

Step 3: Enter the Claims Manager ID

Step 4: Change “Progress State” to “Both”

Step 5: Remove the prefilled value in “Closed since (days):”

Step 6: Click on the green Play button at the top right corner
One result should be displayed in a new tab

Step 7: Double-click the claim result
A new tab will open

Step 8: Click on the “Apply Action” header

Step 9: Click “Create Fee Collection Message”
A modal window will open and can be dragged if you need to see the claim behind it

Step 10: “Destination Member (ICA)” will be pre-filled
Ensure it matches the Acquirer ICA found in the General Information section of the claim

Step 11: Select 7606 for “Reason Code”

Step 12: Enter a message text (limited to 68 characters) ex. “CH withdrew case after successful chargeback”

Step 13: Change the “Credit Receiver/Sending” radio button to Receiver

Step 14: Enter the amount you wish to return

Step 15: “Account Number” and “Event Date” should be pre-filled

Step 16: Select United States for “Country”

Step 17: Click Submit

The claim tab should now refresh with a new entry for “Fee Collection – Pending”









MasterCard Funds Disbursement Modal.png