Select Transaction


The Select Transactions assignment applies transaction data from the Association to the disputed charge, including the Association ID, ARN, and more. Similar to the Authorization task, the disputed transactions will need to be matched from a list provided by the Association.

How to complete the assignment

  1. Click on the Match from Potential Transactions button. 

     Click here to see the expanded assignment...

  2. Review the list of transactions for a match to the disputed transaction (merchant name, date, amount).

  3. If there is no match:
    • Click the Cancel button.

    • Click the Other Actions button (ellipses) then Pend the dispute for one day. 

  4. If there is a match:
    • Validate that the transaction amount and merchant name match the details of the disputed transaction.
    • Select the matching transaction that will be applied to the disputed transaction. The selected row will be highlighted.
    • Click the Apply button.
    • Click the Process Actions button.

ScenarioExample (Click images to enlarge)Next steps
The disputed transaction matches the results available for selection under the Enrichment tab.

  1. Select the valid transaction
  2. Click the Apply button
  3. Click the Process Actions button
The disputed transaction does not match the results available for selection under the Enrichment tab.

Review related cases for a duplicate dispute. Deny the disputed transaction if there's a duplicate on a related claim. 

If there is no duplicate dispute, pend the dispute for a day.

The disputed transaction has multiple possible matches that reflect the same amount, date, and merchant name.

Match each disputed transaction to a posted transaction starting from top to bottom. Pay attention to the Acquirer Reference Numbers (ARNs) in the Association's record of the transactions.