Write Off

At any time during the case life-cycle a user may decide to write off a dispute. This dispute-level action will prompt the user to provide an explanation. When this action is processed, the necessary accounting adjustments will be created based on the accounting rules defined.  When Approvals is enabled, approval may be required before the write off is executed.  A write off may also be executed by the system in certain scenarios, such as when a claim is paid and there is insufficient funds in suspense to credit he account holder (see Paid).  



QFD provides the ability to enable approval thresholds for important decisions made by users.  Thresholds can be established to trigger the approval requirement, where applicable.  When enabled, and the claim or dispute meets the criteria for approval, an assignment is created to prompt manager review.  For more information, see Approvals.

Write Off Configuration

The following settings allow customization of available write-off  justifications. 

Setting NameDescriptionRead Only?
Write Off Commentary When enabled, commentary is required when a user grants final credit on one, or more, disputes that have not been fully recovered.Yes
Write Off JustificationsWhen enabled, write-off justifications can be configured to require users to select one, or more, specific justifications when granting final credit on one, or more, disputes that have not been fully recovered..  These justifications are fully configurable and allow the user to provide additional context to support their decision.Yes

Write Off Justifications Examples

Applicable WhenJustification ReasonDescription
AlwaysAccountholder SatisfactionUse when the agent writes off the dispute as a courtesy to the customer/member
Fraud60-day RuleUse when the agent applies the 60-day rule to write off regulation-protected disputes that are otherwise stale dated
FraudTrue FraudUse when there are no recovery rights and through an investigation it was determined that the transaction activity truly is unauthorized