Calculating Interest

Calculating Interest

There are 2 ways to process interest in QFD:

  1. QFD can be configured to automatically calculate and refund interest associated with disputed transactions. 

  2. Users can use the Interest Calculator to manually calculate interest and generate a refund.

If a service is not configured, a manual assignment is generated so that interest can be calculated using the provided calculator.


Option 1:

QFD can be configured to automatically calculate and refund interest associated with disputed transactions.  For QFD to automatically calculate interest, a service must be available to provide interest rates for a given account and time period so that QFD can use these details to calculate a total interest amount.  Some cores handle this automatically when a credit is given tied to the original disputed transaction, and there is no need for QFD to do it.  It is also common for certain cores that interest is automatically credited back up to a certain period when a credit is given tied to the original disputed transaction.  QFD can skip calculating interest for this period if necessary, or it can calculate it for the full time period.  


Option 2:

If a service is not available and interest still needs to be calculated, users can also use the Interest Calculator to manually calculate interest and generate a refund.  When a service is not configured, a manual assignment is generated so that interest can be calculated using the provided calculator.  This can also be done for only certain account types or certain scenarios (some scenarios use a service, some go to manual, some skip entirely).