MCOM Credentials

MCOM Credentials

From you, Quavo will need the following:

  • MCC SA User ID #1 

  • Consumer Key

    • Note: The Consumer key should be 96 characters long, and will be the concatenation of the client id, an exclamation point, and the key id

Part 1: Log in and navigate to the “Sandbox Credentials” or "Production Credentials" section, depending on what portion of the project you’re aiming to acheive.


Part 2: Click the copy icon next to the consumer key and give us the entire string (it will be like 97 char long)



Keystore Details (this comes from the "ReadMe" file in the Keystore zip folder):

  • Keystore Alias Name

  • Keystore Password

  • Keystore Certificate (.p12 file)


http://Developer.MasterCard.com is where the keys are generated.

MasterCardConnect.com is where you would request the MasterCom API access

Both are required.