Accounting Tool

The accounting tool provides a summary and detailed views of accounting adjustments to assist the user in understanding what accounting has been completed and what additional accounting may be needed to resolve a case.  This includes all accounting that has been completed for the entire claim.  Additionally, the accounting tool includes functionality for performing manual accounting adjustments.  It is accessible from the Tools section of the Case Assets panel that is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen when viewing a case.  To view accounting details for specific disputes within a claim, see the Overview tab.

Accounting Overview

To access the accounting overview, click on the accounting tool link, and then select the Accounting Overview tab at the top of the window.  The overview includes two sections.

By Collection

This section displays the related accounting collections and their balance.  In the example below suspense is out of balance because funds have been recovered from the merchant, but the account holder has not been credited.  This summarized view provides an easy to identify these scenarios.

To view the specific adjustments that are included in the balance calculation for a particular collection, click on the Show Operations link next to the balance.  This will open a dialog box and include a table of information for all related operations, as shown below.  The user can click on the column headings to filter the operations, as needed.

By Step

This section displays each accounting operation as it was completed in the case life-cycle, sorted ascending by date.

Manual Accounting Adjustments

In addition to the accounting rules that automatically generate accounting adjustments at pre-defined points in a workflow, users can also generate accounting entries in the accounting tool.  A list of pre-configured accounting rules that are applicable to the claim type are available to select from.  In the example below, an “Deny Dispute” manual accounting rule is selected, and the pre-configured values are displayed.

The user must specify the amount, select the dispute that the operation relates to, and click the “Perform Accounting” button to complete the operation.  When completed, accounting assignments are executed as defined in Accounting Execution.  Additionally, users may define all accounting fields manually.  When the fields are defined by a user, the accounting adjustment will be executed with a method of "Tracking Only" unless the check box is unselected.  When the check box is unselected it will result in an adjustment attempt via the configured accounting service.

Manual accounting is only meant to be used in environments that do not have accounting automation.  A feature to allow only qualified access to perform manual accounting can be enabled via the Client Information settings.