Associate Fee With Dispute

Associate Fee With Dispute


When a fee marked for refund has not been associated with a dispute, this assignment is generated and prompts the user to identify the dispute that the fee is associated with.


The assignment displays a list of disputes included in the claim.  The user must select the dispute to associate the fee with.  In the event that the dispute is denied, the fee refund will be reversed.

Work QueueAssociateFeeWithDispute
Work Group


NodeFee Maintenance

The Refund Fee assignment is generated when the fee has not been associated with a specific dispute. This assignment prompts the agent to select the dispute that the fee is associated with. By matching the fee to its associated dispute, the system will be able to determine if the fee refund should be reversed when the dispute is later denied.

How to complete the Refund Fee assignment

  1. Click the Associate Fee with Dispute button. 

  2. Select the dispute that is associated with the fee. The selected row will be highlighted.

  3. Click the Apply button.

  4. Click the Process Actions button.