Reissue Card Questionnaire

Reissue Card Details







Would you like your card request to be expedited for a fee of $18, with an estimated delivery timeframe of 3 business days?


Displayed if ShowRushCardQuestion is TRUE. Mandatory if displayed.

How would you like the card to be delivered (Please note that a fee may apply)?CardShippingMethodsRadio<Method> (<Description>) - Fee: <Fee>Displayed when multiple shipping methods are available in the shipping method list (D_ShippingMethodList).  Mandatory if displayed.When a service is configured for retrieving shipping methods, each method retrieved is displayed as shown in the Values column.
Would you like to waive the card replacement fee?ShouldWaiveCardReplacementFeeYes/No

Displayed when all of the following conditions are met:

  • CanWaiveCardReplacementFee is set to TRUE
  • Fee amount is greater than $0
  • User is NOT external

Would you like to waive the card delivery fee?ShouldWaiveCardDeliveryFeeYes/No

Displayed when all of the following conditions are met:

  • CanWaiveCardDeliveryFee is set to TRUE
  • Fee amount is greater than $0
  • User is NOT external

Your new card will be delivered within 7-10 business days.


Displayed if GetBlockCardQuestionnaireOption is TRUE. 

Your new card will be delivered within 7-10 business days.

Displayed if HideRushCardQuestion is TRUE.

Extension: Card Replacement Fee

If a replacement fee is applicable to reissued cards, an optional CardReplaceFee property can hold the value provided by a service and that value can be referenced later by the Block & Reissue service(s).  To enable internal users to waive this fee, set CanWaiveCardReplacementFee to true and evaluate that property in your block or reissue service(s).  For static, flat fees change the DSS accordingly.  For dynamic fees from a service, logic to set .CardReplacementFee will be required in PostIdentifyAccountExtension.

Extension: Card Delivery Fees

If a delivery fee is applicable to reissued cards, an optional CardDeliveryFee property can hold the value provided by a service and that value can be referenced later by the Block & Reissue service(s).  To enable internal users to waive this fee, set CanWaiveCardDeliveryFee to true and evaluate that property in your block or reissue service(s).

Extension: Multiple Card Delivery Options

Multiple delivery options can be offered by setting AreShippingMethodsSourcedViaService to true and loading applicable options and fees to LoadShippingMethodListDataPage via a service.