Jack Henry Symitar

Jack Henry Symitar

In order to establish connectivity to the Symitar’s SOAP API’s, we will need to configure the following information:


How It’s Used



How It’s Used


Base URL

This tells us the base URL needed to connect to the account, transactions, and power on SOAP calls.

Other clients have configured this through a VPN tunnel, so Quavo Infrastructure may need to assist with setting this up.

Device Number

This value will be sent in the Request - Device Information of each SOAP calls made.

This will be unique to each client and we will need them to provide this.

Device Type

This value will be sent in the Request - Device Information of each SOAP calls made.

Other clients have configured this as “Quavo”, this may be the same value.

Admin Password

This value will be sent in the Request - Credentials - AdministrativeCredentials of each SOAP calls made.

This will be unique to each client and we will need them to provide this.

ATM Indicator

Used to determine if the transaction originated from a client proprietary ATM.

This will be unique to each client and we will need them to provide this. The out of the box value of “Quavo Bank BRANCH.*” will need to be updated for the client.

SymXchange Version Used

This is used to determine which Symitar component is enabled on the QFD application stack for the client.

Quavo supports the following versions out of the box:

  1. 2019.01/3.0

  2. 2020.01/4.0

  3. 2022.01

Power On Script

This power on script is used during block and reissue.

This will be unique to each client and we will need them to provide this.

Quavo supports calling the following Symitar operations:

SymXChange Service

Operation Names (2020)

Operation Names (2022)

Credentials Needed

SymXChange Service

Operation Names (2020)

Operation Names (2022)

Credentials Needed

Account Service

  1. getAccountSelectFieldsFilterChildren

  2. searchShareTransactionSelectFields

  3. searchShareHoldSelectFields

  4. searchLoanTransactionSelectFields

  5. searchLoanHoldSelectFields

  6. updateAccountByID

  7. updateCardByID

  1. getAccountSelectFieldsFilterChildren

  2. searchShareTransactionSelectFields

  3. searchShareHoldSelectFields

  4. searchLoanTransactionSelectFields

  5. searchLoanHoldSelectFields

  6. updateAccountByID

  7. updateCardByID

  8. findByLookup

Admin Password

Transaction Service

  1. deposit

  2. withdraw

  3. payLoan

  4. reversePayLoan

  5. loanAddon

  6. reverseLoanAddon

  7. GLToGLPost

  1. deposit

  2. withdraw

  3. payLoan

  4. reversePayLoan

  5. loanAddon

  6. reverseLoanAddon

  7. GLToGLPost

Admin Password

Power On Service

  1. executePowerOn

  1. executePowerOn

Admin Password

Additional helpful links:

  1. Symitar API Fields

  2. Symitar Developer API Documentation

  3. Symitary EDocs (2022)


  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document Symitar Edocs (2022).docx

Jul 25, 2023 by Samantha Hedrick

PNG File Symitary Edocs.png

Jul 25, 2023 by Samantha Hedrick

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