Merchant Collaborations

Merchant Collaborations


QFD supports collaboration with card merchants via Ethoca and Verifi networks.  These integrations allow issuers to attempt recovery from the merchant before initiating a chargeback with the card association.  Merchant collaboration currently only supports card transactions.

More information on the specific collaboration can be found here:


Following the enrichment step, a case is created with all enabled collaboration networks.  If a refund has been promised by a merchant via any of the configured networks, all cases are closed, and the dispute moves to Pend for Merchant Credit to wait for the credit to post to the account.

New Collaboration Case

Before a case is created with the network, it is evaluated for eligibility.  Verifi provides an API to determine if a merchant participates in the network.  Results of the eligibility check are recorded in the Audit Log and in the Recovery Action History.  If eligibility is confirmed, a case is created and the dispute moves to the Pend for Case status flow to wait for an outcome.  No eligibility service is available for Ethoca, but transaction details are evaluated by the system to ensure that cases are only created for eligible disputes.  Additionally, the Ethoca service is called one hour after creating the case and the status is evaluated to determine if an alert was sent to the merchant.  If an alert was not sent, the merchant is considered to be ineligible and the collaboration attempt ends.  

Waiting for a Response

While pending for case status, the system will call the network every 6 hours for an updated status.  The dispute will stay in a pending collaboration status for 5 days while it waits for a response.  If no response is received after 5 days, it will move forward in the case lifecycle, usually to Provisional Credit Review, and QFD will continue to poll the network for updates.  When the final status is retrieved, the case is closed and the outcome is recorded in the Recovery Action History.  As noted above, if a refund is promised, the dispute will move to the Pend for Merchant Credit flow to wait for the credit to post to the account.  To close the collaboration case and move to the next step in the workflow, select the "Cancel Collaboration" option from the Other Actions menu in the Collaboration step.

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